坦克世界10月8日你问我答 灯泡重做转给通讯兵
2014-10-10 23:50来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
- Storm confirms that the Sixth Sense rework (its transfer to the radioman, activated when radioman training hits 100 percent) will happen in medium future (SS: that usually means cca 6 months) Storm确认灯泡重做,会转嫁到通讯兵上,熟练度达到100%时激活,当然这是中期的卫星(SS:通常大概得6个月左右)。 - developers considered removing Sixth Sense completely, but decided not to do it, because it would break current gameplay too much 开发人员考虑过彻底移除灯泡,但决定还是不这么做,因为会极大的破坏游戏玩法。 - there are no specific statistics of the lifetime effect of Sixth Sense perk, as it was introduced very long time ago 关于灯泡影响的具体数据没有,因为在很久前就引入了。 - the desired result of the Sixth Sense rework, according to Storm: “So everyone has it” 灯泡重做是众望所归,据Storm所说:每位玩家都想会灯泡技能。 - perks will be reworked completely 附加技能会彻底进行重做。 - after the rework, if the radioman gets killed, the Sixth Sense will stop working 在重做后,如果通讯兵挂掉,灯泡技能会停止工作。 - the “reasoning” of Sixth Sense being a radioman ability: “Radioman intercepts the enemy transmissions about the discovery of his tank” 对灯泡变为通讯兵的一种能力的“理解”:通讯兵能够截取敌人的电台信息,是否己方的坦克被发现。 - the perk rework will come with crew skill reset 附加技能重做的同时车组成员的技能都会重置。 - Storm admits that the Chinese branch is full of clones, but: “without Chinese branch, we wouldn’t be able to enter the Chinese market at all” (SS: so basically, since WG is already estabilished at EU, it’s “fuck you” to the Euroserver countries) Storm承认中国分支都是山寨货,但:没有中国分支,我们就不能够完全的进入中国市场 (SS:那这样说来,由于WG已经在欧洲有了服务器,你TM的这是耍了欧洲所有的国家)。 - new French tanks? “No comment” 新的法国坦克?先不说这个。 - mod-like minimap (with tank descriptions)? “when it’s done it’s done” 类似迷你地图的插件呢?做好了就会有的。 - Storm admits he is not knowledgeable in special aspects of WoT development: “It would be a mistake to assume that I understand tank history and characteristics as a history consultant, programming as a lead programmer, game design as a lead game designer etc. I have knowledge, but the specialists know much more in their respective fields than me.” Storm承认在坦克世界研发的某些专门领域他并不了解:下列比喻是不对的,作为历史顾问我就要了解车辆历史和参数;作为程序主管就要懂得编程;作为游戏设计主管就要懂游戏设计之类。我确实知识面还可以,但是专家们在他们的领域知道的可要超过我太多。 - Storm claims that WG Japanese medium branch was made possible by a WG employee and not 3rd party (SS: Storm is either a liar, or he doesn’t know what’s going on, because the data for Japanese branch were given to WG by two US server players: Soukoudragon and Daigensui) Storm声称WG日系中坦分支可能是由一位WG雇员做的,而不是来自第三方 (SS:Storm要么是满嘴说胡话,要么他根本就不知道日系分支怎么来的,因为日本分支的数据是两位美服玩家 Soukoudragon 和Daigensui 给WG的) [编辑:不详]