坦克世界10月20日你问我答 9.4二测增斯大林格勒地图
- Stalingrad will come “soon”, it will be in the next test round (9.4 test 2) 斯大林格勒将会“很快”来袭,这张地图将会在下一轮测试(9.4二测)中出现。 - apparently, the IS-7 gun model is still SD (developers didn’t manage to get a proper model for 9.4) 很显然,—7炮的模型仍然需要修正(在9.4版本开发人员没有得到一个合适的模型)。 - developers are currently collecting statistics in order to implement the XP for tanking 开发人员正在统计数据用来确定游戏中坦克抗伤害应得的的经验。 - Storm is aware of the bug on 9.4, where shells fly through tanks, he will investigate Storm已注意到9.4中炮弹会穿过坦克的bug并将会调查它的。 - the feedback on the new gun sounds is “contradictory”, according to Storm – half of players really likes it, half hates it 据Storm说,大家对于新的炮声的评论褒贬不一,有一半的人十分喜欢它而另一半的人很讨厌。 - the fact that some tanks were paper only or prototypes does not mean they will automatically be reworked to HD after existing vehicles 事实上,在其他真实存在过的车辆重置高清模型后并不会自动开始重置图纸车和原型车的高清模型。 - in patch 9.6 or 9.7, WoT will transfer to new Bigworld version. Storm states that it should mean a small performance boost for the game. 在9.6或9.7版本,坦克世界将会引入全新的Bigworld引擎,Storm认为这将会对游戏性能有一个小浮的提升。 - Storm confirms that after M4A3E8 is reworked to HD quality, it will get the same armor as the current Fury Storm证实M4A3E8在重置高清模型后,将获得与布拉德皮特新片《狂怒》中M4A3E8相同的装甲。 - artillery won’t be buffed 火炮不会被加强。 - not having enough time to manage your Stronghold? “That means you are not the target audience for that mode” 没有足够的时间来管理你的要塞吗?“这意味着你不是这个模式的受众人群。 - Storm states that the sounds of the high caliber guns in 9.4 are “realistic” and historical Storm表示在9.4中大口径炮声是真实并符合历史的。 [编辑:不详]