

  today, we are going to have a detailed look at the Soviet heavy tank, Object 777.


  In the first half of the 50′s, Soviet tank design bureaus were working on creating a new generation of heavy tanks, the best known of which would later become the T-10 (IS-8). There were however other projects as well – better and more powerful. The boom of the heavy tank design in the early 50′s was heavily influenced by the fact, that (according to Soviet data, anyway) the Americans were building armored vehicles en masse and were preparing new very powerful projects of both medium and heavy tanks (here, the Soviet sources list the “T43 heavy tank” as “matching the T-10 in power”).


  The first proposals for the new tank were sent to the Ministry of Transport and Heavy Machinery in June 1953, describing project variants of several heavy tanks, weighing from 46 to 50 tons. During the drawing creation, these recieved the designation of Object 752 and Object 777 (the latter being the object of this article). These drawings included more powerful guns (the 122mm M62-T2 for example), new hull and turret designs, as well as suspension (using hydraulics or individual torsion bars).

  关于新型坦克的首批设计案于1953年6月被送往交通和重型机械部审核,其中包括了多个全重在46-50吨之间的重型坦克的项目。在图纸绘制期间,它们就分别得到了752和777工程的代号。这些设计案均采用了大威力主炮(比如说122mm M62T2)、新型车体、炮塔设计以及新型悬挂(液力/独立扭杆悬挂)。

  These vehicles were designed by ChKZ (Chelyabinsk Kirov Plant), which also designed new powerplant for the heavy vehicles: the 850-900hp V-7 diesel. The armor was designed specifically to protect the vehicle from new types of weapons. One interesting feature of the Object 777 was the remote-controlled AA 14,5mm machinegun KVP, another was the commander’s stabilized optics (TKNS) and the design of the hull and turret, both of which were made by casting with welded bottom.

  上述坦克均由ChKZ(车里雅宾斯克的基洛夫工厂)设计,该厂也是为重坦研发动力装置(850-900马力的V-7柴油机)的。装甲在设计时就考虑了对新型武器的防御力。777工程一个有趣之处在于遥控的14.5mm KVP防空机枪,另一个就是车长稳定的光学设备(TKNS)以及独特的车体和炮塔设计---两者的底部均为焊接而成,其余部分则为铸造结构。

  At the same time (June 1953), a 1:10 mock-up of the vehicle was created and the assembled materials were sent to the abovementioned ministry in December 1953. Despite the fact that the development continued into 1954 however, the vehicle project was rejected. The vehicle was however in the ministry report rated higher than the T-10.



  全重: 49,8吨 (在1954年被减重至49吨)

  乘员: 4

  宽度: 3400mm

  高度: 2100mm (防空机枪不计入)

  长度: 9800mm

  车底距地高度e: 425mm

  主炮: 122mm M62-T2 (能够达到每分钟5发的射速,移动中的射击精度也很高)

  次级武器: 7,62mm SG-43同轴机枪, 14,5mm KPV防空机枪

  载弹量: 15 AP, 25 HE, 3000 7,62mm机枪弹

  动力装置: 850马力V-7柴油机, 推重比17 hp/t

  最大速度: 50 km/h (后来被增加到了54,7)

  平均速度: 30 km/h

  传动系统: 行星式(7个档位)或机械式 (6个档位)

  悬挂系统: 液力悬挂 (后来被改为独立扭杆悬挂) 最大行程 (外置副油箱): 250 km

  电台: RTU “亚森”

  通讯: TPU-5 “比塞尔”


  Armor – cast, both turret and hull



  -首上: 132mm法线70度倾斜(后来变为140mm法线60度倾斜)

  -首下: 175mm法线40度倾斜 (后来变为200mm法线30度倾斜)

  -车鼻: 250mm

  -车体侧面上部: 115mm法线62度倾斜(后来变为92mm法线60度倾斜)

  -车体侧面下部: 105mm (垂直) -车体后部: 45mm法线60度倾斜



  -正面: 195mm (法线52度倾斜)

  -侧面: 215mm (法线33度倾斜)

  -后部: 90mm (法线40度倾斜)

  车体装甲布局和 炮塔装甲布局

上一篇:11月4日你问我答 SU-122-44没有分房保护 下一篇:AMX-1390孪生兄弟亮相 AMX-13/57前瞻


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
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