坦克世界11月6日你问我答 测试服88黑豹表现优异
- there are some vehicles, that still need nerfing, the developers however were busy with other things 有的车还要挨刀,现在不砍的原因只是因为开发者在忙其它的。 - no plans for the KV-5 radioman miniturret for now (too early to talk about the Sixth Sense rework) 对KV-5通讯员所在的MM暂时没有计划(变动)(谈第六感重置问题还太早)。 - Panther 88mm did really well when tested in CT 9.4 在9.4测试服中88黑豹表现很棒。 - Storm agrees that the Stalingrad minimap is not very representative, it needs to be fixed Storm说斯大林格勒的小地图不太能代表实际地形(可能是地形的起伏什么的),需要进行改动。 - currently, the feedback on Russian server is that the clans are starting to set their Stronghold attack time to 3-4AM, when the chance of being attacked is very low. Developers will consider what to do to remedy this. 俄服上的反馈显示战队开始将他们进攻他人要塞时间设定在凌晨3-4点,而这个时间被攻击的概率是非常低的。开发者们会考虑如何补救这个缺陷。 - the bug with tiny minimap icons was not fixed, developers didn’t manage to do it on time, the problem is however considered insignificant 小地图上车辆图标的bug(估计是指漂移的问题)还没有修复。开发者们没时间去做,而且他们也认为这不重要。 - Object 260 will not be an Individual Mission reward 260工程不会是个人任务的奖励坦克 - 9.5 will be bigger (more important) than 9.4 9.5不仅比9.4大,还比9.4重要 - Storm confirms that the HD textures were scrapped Storm确认超清材质被放弃了 - mission interface will not be completely overhauled, there will just be some fixes 不会完全重制任务界面,只是会有部分变动 - UI button highlight graphics will not be changed (SS: some player requested the mouseover highlight to be reworked for some reason) 不会修改用户界面上按钮的高亮显示模式(SS:基于某些理由,有些玩家要求重制鼠标悬停时的高亮显示)。 - the increased chance of map appearing in random battles (in this case Stalingrad) was applied only on test server, not on live server 随机战斗中某张地图(这说的是斯大林格勒)出现概率被人为加大的情况只会在测试服出现,在正式服上是不会有的。 - apparently, some players are suggesting that the SU-76I is imbalanced (too good), Storm disagrees 一些玩家说SU-76I太强了,Storm表示反对。 - Q: “Your leaving punishment system sucks, I will continue to leave battles!” A: “Good luck” Q:你们设计的中途退场惩罚完全没用,老子以后还是想退就退! A:祝你好运。 - one of the German camouflage schemes (the orange/yellow one) got recolored, apparently it was not intentional 游戏中的一个德国涂装(橙/黄色的)着色发生了变化,但这不是开发者们有意为之的。 - old team battle format (7/42) will not return 7/42制的7V7不会回归的。 - the “player invite” (referral system) will be implemented by a micropatch, no current ETA “玩家邀请”(募兵)机制将会通过一个小补丁加入游戏。 - SU-122-44 will NOT be buffed and will NOT recieve limited MM SU-122-44不会被加强,也不会有分房保护。 - customization of tanks (specifically, optional gun mantlet cloth cover) will apparently not be implemented 坦克的个性化选项(尤其是指炮盾上覆盖的帆布罩)是不会有的。 [编辑:不详]