

  So, I like the odd, the quirky and the unusual. Delving into the patent archives, I have come across many weird and wonderful creations and ideas and occasionally, a few stand out. In this occasional series, I’ll post up some of the tanks and military vehicles you probably never heard of and in many cases, they thankfully never got built. Part 1 here will be about France, but don’t worry – this is not all France has to offer in this regard. So, if you like these, tell me in the comments what nation you want next and I’ll see what I can find.


  A design by Pierre Montel, Gabriel Voisin and Charles Ceecaldi from 1952. Specifically for a road combat vehicle with 30-40cm of ground clearance. Interesting to me is that even after the war, the idea of a wheel-cum-track machine to make the most of tracks for off-road and wheels for on-road was still being considered novel enough to try and put into a serious military vehicle, although those crew positions look decidedly uncomfortable.

  这是比埃尔·蒙戴勒(Pierre Montel)、加布里埃尔·沃埃森(Gabriel Voisin)和查尔斯·辛克里迪(Charles Ceecaldi)设计于1952年的方案。专为公路上的战斗设计,车底距地高度30-40cm。有趣的是,即使是在战后,这种公路行驶时使用轮子,越野时使用履带的想法仍然被认为是值得一试的,还应用在了很多军用车辆的设计上。不过这些车的乘员实在是憋屈。

  And we go full circle to yet another wheel-cum-track idea, this time from 1939, so it was still seriously considered to have some uses. The designer here is Andre Glass.

  这又是一个轮履结合的设计,时间是1939年,当时还认为这种设计是有点用处的。设计者是安德烈·格拉斯(Andre Glass)。

  This ‘Assault Train’ by Victor-Barthelemy Jacquet from 1944 is a serious attempt to design a vehicle capable of crossing especially high obstacles. Somehow this vehicle looks 30 years too late to me.


  This hilariously spring loaded spiked railing system which carried on the sides of a tank can be deployed to impale the enemy troops by Jeanne Labadie dates to 1940. Probably better this wasn’t even tried as its clearly not a viable concept.

  这个搞笑的设计在车辆侧面装有弹簧控制的尖刺,可以向外弹出在刺杀敌方步兵。这是由让妮·拉巴迪(Jeanne Labadie)于1940年设计的。还好没人尝试制造此车,这个概念显然是不可行的。

  And now a serious and professional vehicle designer you may have heard of; none other than Louis Renault himself. Dating to 1939, this seemingly small tank is specifically designed to use extremely wide and very heavily armoured tracks to drive unharmed across minefields and to use the heavy tracks as armour for the vehicle by covering the majority of the frontal portion. I have to say I really really like this one.

  这是出自一个专业的设计师之手的正式设计案,此人此人的名字也许你也有所耳闻,正是路易·雷诺(Louis Renault),时间是1939年。他为这辆看上去娇小的坦克特别设计了异常宽大、且有重甲的履带,以便于通过雷场时不受伤害。厚重的履带覆盖了前车体的大部,为坦克提供了额外的护甲。我得说我非常喜欢这个设计。

  And this one looks downright sensible for once. An armoured command vehicle by Phillpe D’Estailleur Chanteraine, dating to 1940, with the driving space at the front and the engine directly behind. One can easily imagine a mounted weapon system being stuck in the back of this, had it been built in large numbers and I am informed that a plan for just such a tank destroyer/SPG version exists. This design was actually built and tested but did not reach production status.

  这个设计看来还是非常明智的。这是由飞利浦·迪斯塔耶·肖坦纳(Phillpe D*Estailleur Chanteraine)于1940年设计的装甲指挥车。驾驶员被布置在车体前部,发动机紧挨其后。可以想象如果该车进入批量生产,可以在车辆后部堆砌各种武器系统。我还发现该车有坦克歼击车/自行火炮变型的计划。这个设计确实被制造了出来,还进行了测试,但没有进行量产。

  A device designed to protect tracks and following vehicles and to clear mines by Pierre Schwob from 1940 – and yet again, it’s not too silly, but 1940 wasn’t a good year for French military inventions. Even so, the Schwob system did reach testing phase in various guises by the French.

  这个装置是皮埃尔·施沃布(Pierre Schwob)于1940年设计的,用于扫雷,并能保护履带及跟进的车辆。当然,这并不是什么很愚蠢的设计,但1940年对法国人来说,不是个搞军事发明的好年景。虽然如此,法国人还是在各种伪装之下,对施沃布系统进行了测试。

  And we go full circle to yet another wheel-cum-track idea, this time from 1939, so it was still seriously considered to have some uses. The designer here is Andre Glass.

  这又是一个轮履结合的设计,时间是1939年,当时还认为这种设计是有点用处的。设计者是安德烈·格拉斯(Andre Glass)。

上一篇:坦克世界11月6日你问我答 测试服88黑豹表现优异 下一篇:坦克世界11月6日你问我答 9.5个人任务奖励确定


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
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