11月24日你问我答 新视野系统有利于高级LT
I haven’t linked Listy for a long time here – check out his article on his Shrivenham trip and about the Gloucestershire regiment. 我有很长一段时间没有链接Listy的文章了—看看他的这篇关于Shrivenham之旅的文章,还有格洛斯特郡兵团的故事。 - when testing the new viewrange system (with only LT’s having good viewrange), developers are aware of the potential situation where hightier LT’s just sit back and camp due to their very good viewrange and competitive guns 当测试新的视野系统的时候(只有LT有好视野的时候),开发者们发现情况变成了高级LT们蹲在后面开始黑枪了,因为他们视野好,炮也不算差。 - apparently the T-34-3 buff went well 很明显,T-34-3的buff反馈还是不错的 - gun damage does NOT have to correspond to the gun caliber, it’s a balance parameter 炮弹的伤害和炮的口径没有联系,只是平衡需要而已 - Yurko2F (developer) explains how the M53/M55 model got screwed: “We are working on many tanks outside of what is interesting for players the most – game characteristics. Well and if something gets broken, we try to fix it quickly.” Yurko2F(开发者)解释为何M53/M55会玩脱:我们致力于研究怎么让坦克对于大多数玩家来说更好玩 - 游戏内的特性。如果我们搞砸了什么东西的话,我们会试图尽快修复它 - the “individual missions” will be the same for everybody (SS: so where’s the “individual” part? o.O) 个人任务对于所有人都是一样的(SS:所以你为什么管这个叫“个人任务”?) - old LT8′s will be buffed “if necessery” 老的8级LT“有需要的话”会buff的 - IM conditions too tough? “Don’t worry, everything will be fine. Wait for the feature to come out.” 个人任务要求太难了?“别担心,会好的,这还不是最终决定” - Storm on supertesters: “Various players are recruited to supertest. Including those with poor skill. That’s done for the test statistics to be more representative. So it is more like random battles.” Storm谈超测服玩家:被招进来的超测玩家是各种各样的,其中包括那些玩的不好的。这可以使测试数据更加有代表性,也更像野队。 Storm also made a post, where he is asking for a feedback on the role of armor in current WoT. Here are the answers from it: Storm也发了一个帖子,是关于反馈和那些装甲在wot中是否有用的消息。以下是他的回答: - Storm states that the usage of gold ammo is not that high. Even if the gold ammo was hardcapped at 5 pieces, it wouldn’t help Maus, because everyone would just shoot the gold shells in it anyway. Storm表示金币弹的使用率并不是很高。就算限制每辆车只能带5发也保不了鼠爷,因为所有人都会拿着金币弹去射他。 - Storm states that one of the main reasons why gold shells are not hardcapped, is the fact it would reduce Wargaming’s profit storm表示为何不给金币弹上个硬性上限的原因是这样做会让WG的收入下降 - according to statistics, IS-6 and KV-5 do bounce at least 50 percent of all shells from tanks of the same tier (including gold) 根据统计数据,IS-6和KV-5都能挡掉至少50%同级车的炮弹(包括金币弹) - Maus will not be buffed, it has some of the best stats of its tier. The opinion of some players that it sucks is not based on reality. 鼠爷不会buff的,这车的数据在同级里很不错。某些玩家说鼠爷很渣这不是事实。 - developers will ban (forcibly disable) the mod, that shows what type of shell hits your tank (gold/credit). The reason for the ban is that the same mod not only tells you the type of the shell, but also who is shooting at you. 开发者们会(强制)禁掉那些显示什么炮弹击穿你的插件(金币弹还是银币弹)。原因是这个插件不仅告诉你击穿你的是什么炮弹,也告诉你谁在打你。 - developers are still analyzing the feedback on reported several second freezes 开发者们还在分析几个二次假死(冻结?)的反馈 - Q: “I miss times where IS-4 on tier 9 could stand in the middle of the field and bounce everything.” A: “And you consider that normal?” Q:我怀念-4还在九级的时候那种站在马力诺夫卡中间也谁都打不穿我的感觉。A:你觉得那正常么? - T-35 (multiturret heavy tank) will not come in 2015 T-35(多炮塔神教)2015年不会出的 - increasing gun penetration loss over distance is not an option, as it would cause issues on low and mid tiers in many cases 增加穿深也增加穿深损失不会考虑的,因为会在低级房和中级房造成问题 - Storm states that when it comes to two options what to do with gold shells (reduction of damage, increase of price), both are reasonable in a way, but both also have disadvantages, specifically monetization and attitude of general playerbase to such a change and others. But they haven’t been scrapped yet. Storm说,金币弹可能会有两种砍法(减少伤害或者增加价格),两种很合乎情理,但是两种都有反效果,特别是经济系统和普遍的玩家群的反应之类的。但是他们(这两种意见)还没有被放弃掉 - the loss of profits is one of the internal parameters that the developers will take into account when deciding what to do with gold ammo 利益损失也是一种内部参数,开发者在考虑怎么处理金币弹的时候也会参考这个数据 - +/-1 MM spread was rejected long time ago +1/-1分房不可能有的 - +/-3 MM will not be returned either +/-3分房也不会回来的 - Storm never did beat anyone physically for poor work, his maximum was yelling over Skype, but he states he can’t do it, he’s an anti-conflict person Storm从来不会因为别人不干活而揍他,顶多就是在Skype上大吼大叫,但是他表示他从来不这么做,因为他是爱好和平的人 - the developers were discussing the role of armor internally for quite some time already 开发者们在内部讨论装甲究竟应该是什么样的角色很久了。 - developers are discussing what to do with the M48 Patton, they differ in their opinions about the vehicle and what should be done with it 开发者正在讨论M48巴顿应该怎么办,他们在这辆车怎么处理上有分歧 - accuracy will be nerfed a bit – not the parameter per se, but the distribution within the circle will be changed 初步想法是精准应该搓一下 - 不是精度系数,而是圈内的散步 - apparently, the plan to change the render range from a square to a circle collided with the new version of Bigworld and therefore got delayed a bit, Storm hopes to implement it in first half of 2015 很明显,改变渲染范围的计划和新版bigworld引擎有冲突,所以说可能会稍有延迟,Storm说他希望能在2015上半年完成 - new motion physics will improve the tank dynamics in the game (smaller loss of speed on hills, obstacles etc.) 新的移动物理引擎将会改进坦克的动感(上小坡的时候或者经过障碍物的时候稍微慢一点,之类的) - IS-7 will not be buffed, statistically it’s fine more or less IS-7不会buff的,统计上来说这车表现不算差 [编辑:不详]