
11月17日你问我答 260工程将作为奖品车

  - Storm states that the new ramming mechanism was introduced in 9.4, because “the old one was very badly bugged”


  - Storm confirms that the mission to get the Object 260 will be multi-stage and it will be very difficult to get it


  - a lot of players (even on EU server) reported a garage bug, where the camera suddenly zooms out very far, Storm states he knows about it, it will be fixed


  - Soviet tier 8 premium medium T-54 Model 1945 will come next year

  苏系8级T54 1945型将会在明年到来。

  - Havok: “when it’s done it’s done”


  - it will be possible to get all three IM reward tanks (Object 260, T55A and T28 Concept) on your account


  - Char B1 in the game doesn’t use the hull howitzer, because it was aimed only by moving the entire vehicle (it has 0 traverse)


  - Q: “French tanks of tier 1-4 suck” A (SerB): “Don’t play French tier 1-4 tanks”


  - apparently, EU servers were DDOSed recently, Storm is investigating the situation


  - Q: “I have a SSD. Loading battles is fine, but whenever I quit the battle, it takes very long time for the results to load (I am stuck on “spinning wheel”), why is that? A friend of mine has a regular HDD and he has no such issues.” A (Storm): “It’s a problem with connection. After the fight is over, a large volume of data with battle statistics is transferred. And it’s this data pack that the game is waiting on until it arrives. If you have packet loss, it’s possible to wait for it for a long time, until all the info is confirmed to have arrived.”

  问:我有一块固态硬盘。加载游戏没问题,但是有时我回车库时却花了我好长时间,为毛?我的一个炮友他的机械硬盘却没事:A(storm)君:“这是网络连接的问题。每次战斗结束后,大量的结算数据会与服务器进行交换。客户端会等待这个数据包到达然后进行加载。 如果丢包严重,那么客户端会等待所有数据确认接收完毕才加载(所以慢)。”

  - Storm on various Russian “experts” whining about upcoming new tank motion physics: “A country of natural born experts. Sometimes they produce Boeing photos out of nowhere, sometimes they telepathically evaluate the physics at long distance. Why aren’t we colonizing Mars with such people?”


  - apparently, to replace the effect of terrain resistance (and to justify some tanks moving slower with the same horsepower), a new parameter will be introduced in the new motion physics: “loss of horsepower in transmission and drivetrain”.


  no ETA on new motion physics test for now


  SerB on player feedback: “Everything you can propose to us was already considered a long time ago and either it was scrapped (99,9 percent) or is in the queue, waiting to be implemented (0,1 percent). And so with the game growing grows mainly the amount of old stuff and crap, sorry. ‘The population grows, but the sum of all intellect remains unchanged’”

  SerB谈玩家建议:“那些你们所有建议的东西我们早就都想过了 ,99.9%的东西都是渣而0.1%的已经在计划中准备实施了,即便如此这个游戏还是充满着陈年旧货和辣鸡的翔,我们对此表示极大地歉意。”“毕竟玩家人数一直在变多,但是智商总量却基本上不变”。

上一篇:11月14日你问我答 金币坦克视野也会削弱 下一篇:坦克世界招募计划前瞻 双向奖励机制介绍


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

