11月13日你问我答 国战模式正考虑回归
Last night, several players on US server reported that for some strange reason, Province returned to hightier rotation. I am not sure this concerns any other server than the US one, since all the reports came from USA/Canada, but in any case, it’s true 昨晚,某些身处于水深火热的美服的同志报告说,由于某些奇怪的原因,坎帕尼亚这张图又跑进高级房里去了。我不确定是否这件事只存在于美服,因为所有的报告都来自美国/加拿大。不管怎么样,这事还是发生了…… Please note that Veider confirmed that the leaked viewrange nerf is NOT final – they are just experimental numbers (extreme values) to check how the vehicles would fare under such conditions. The only thing that is confirmed is that they are working on viewrange nerf. 请注意,Veider确认泄露的视野削弱不是最终结果,它们只是实验性的数据(极限值),用来检验车辆在这些视野时的表现。唯一能确定的是开发者正在研究如何调整各种坦克的视野。 - Historical battles will not come in 9.5 历史战不会在9.5到来。 - TD’s currently form less than 30 percent of the vehicles in WoT 坦克歼击车TD只组成了玩家们的WOT车辆总数的不足百分之三十。 - developers are apparently considering returning the Confrontation mode (“national battles”) – the temporary solution is to hardcap vehicles to maximum of 3 vehicles of the same type (SS: as in, three E-100′s max) per team, Storm admits that this will prolong waiting times, but not to 5 minutes or something 开发者正在考虑让对抗模式(国战模式)回归。现在正在考虑的优化解决方式是给一个硬性限制——同一辆车最多每队三辆(比如一队最多三辆E100)。Storm承认这会延长排队时间,但不会导致诸如排五分钟之类的夸张情况。 - Storm admits large amount of bugs in 9.4, currently WG is investigating why that happened Storm承认9.4版本有一大堆的bug,现在WG正在调查怎么回事。 - according to Storm, the number of online players on RU server is the same as it was last year by this time 据Storm称,现在毛子服的在线玩家数和去年这个时候一样。 - new serverside physics will not be split, it will come in one patch 新的服务器端物理效果不会分开,将会在同一个版本到来。 - when nerfing viewrange, developers will take into account that some hightier mediums (Batchat, Leopard) act as scouts. 当削弱视野时,开发者们会考虑给予一些高级MT(查查25t,豹一)侦察车的地位。 - Veider states that the logic behind the viewrange nerf is that the developers want to make tanks fit more in their role on the battlefield in order to return to the “rock-paper-scissors” principle Veider称削弱视野背后的逻辑是开发者们想让坦克更加符合他们在战场中的定位,从而重新形成“石头-剪刀-布”的互相克制局面。 - Veider is aware that the viewrange nerf might cause more “vanishing tanks in the middle of a field” issues, that is another matter WG will address Veider意识到削弱视野会造成更多的“坦克在大平原中间消失”的问题,而这是另一件WG需要解决的问题。 - the “vanishing tanks in the middle of the field” will be fixed by the following principle: currently, a tank shoots, gets spotted due to camo penalty for shooting, but when that penalty wears off, its camo is improved and the tank disappears. In the future, the penalty will not wear off until the vehicle leaves enemy viewrange zone “坦克在大平原中间消失”的问题将会通过以下方式修复:当一辆坦克射击时,由于开火隐蔽惩罚而被敌人点亮,但是当惩罚效果结束后,隐蔽系数将会恢复而坦克就消失了。将来这一机制将改为:开火隐蔽惩罚将一直存在,直到车辆离开敌人的视野范围。 - developers are “discussing furiously” the option of reducing the viewrange only when the tank is camping in bushes 开发者们正在“激烈地讨论”坦克只有蹲在灌木丛中才减少视野。 - various viewrange sectors (SS: a tank would see forward further than to the sides) would be hard for players to understand and it would be very expensive server resource-wise 多个视野扇面机制(SS:一辆坦克正前方的视野比侧面好)对于玩家来说太难理解,而且会消耗大量服务器资源。 Oh yea and another look at the reward camo for CW campaign 3 最后看看第三次领土战役的奖励涂装。 [编辑:不详]