today, yet another World of Warships interview was published, this time with a producer of World of Warships from St.Petersburg. 今天,又发布了一个关于战舰世界的采访视频,采访的是在圣彼得堡的一位战舰世界的制作人。 It’s not really interesting and the guy is very hard to understand, he speaks very quick and the sound is bad. The entire thing seems more like a basic introduction to World of Warships. 视频不是很好玩,这哥们说的很难听懂,说得太快,声音也太糟糕。整个视频看上去是个战舰世界的简单介绍。 - tier 1 of the Russian branch will be cruiser Aurora 苏系1级船是阿芙乐尔号巡洋舰。 - there will be a hardcap on aircraft carriers (no more than two on each side) 航母有数量上限(每队不超过两艘) - the MM will not be symetrical (one side can have two carriers and the other side four battleships to compensate) 分房是不对称的(一边有两艘航母,而另一边相应的是有四艘战列舰)。 - four classes: destroyers, carriers, battleships and cruisers 有四种舰船类型:驱逐舰、航母、战列舰和巡洋舰。 Most important:Closed beta – December 2014 最重要的一点,2014年12月开始封测。 [编辑:不详]