坦克世界11月8日你问我答 9.4版本BUG甚多
currently, pretty much anyone important in Wargaming is on a developer meeting on Cyprus for following three days (or is it two now? not sure), so don’t expect a lot of news this weekend. Will try to glean what I can however. 现在,WG在接下来的三天会在塞浦路斯开开发者大会(算起来就现在来说应该是两天吧?不知道),所以这周末量不会很大。但是我会尽量收集的。 according to Storm, the SU-76i issue is one time case, there weren’t cases like that before 根据Storm,这次SU-76i的事故尚是首次,之前还没有这样的事故。 SU-76i issue was fixed fast enough “for the fire not to spread”. Later, Storm adds: “Unfortunately, mistakes happen.” SU-76i问题修复的速度快到“还没有到火烧屁股的程度”。不久后,Storm又说了句:“不幸的是,事情发生了”。 there is a bug where some vehicles in the hangar “sink” into the ground – Storm knows about it, will be fixed 有个bug,在车库的车辆会“沉入”车库里-Storm已经知道这个问题,会解决的。 it looks like the old “automatical switch of gold shells price from credit to gold” bug is back, Storm will investigate 看起来“自动切换金币弹的购买方式为金币”的bug又回来了,Storm将会调查。 developers will investigate an alleged bug causing minimap lags 开发者将会调查所谓小地图延迟的bug。 Oh and there’s one more pretty nasty bug as well, but that demands a separate post, so stay tuned. TBH 9.4 really wasn’t a good patch, when it comes to bugs. 天哪恶心的bug还真多,不过正好我(SS)也有东西可以写了,所以以后也要继续收看QA哦。说实话9.4的确不是个很好的补丁,特别是里面全是bug的时候。 [编辑:不详]