Upcoming tier 10 regular British tank destroyer for the 9.5 patch. 即将出现在9.5版本的英系普通十级TD。 Description: 车辆描述: This project of a heavy anti-tank self-propelled gun was developed in the early 50′s, using the equipment and parts from Centurion Mk.3. At first, it was tested with an automatic loading mechanism. Due to the fact that the ammo system did not fit the turret dimensions, it was decided to scrap it. One prototype was made and tested, but the vehicle was not mass produced. 50年代早期开发的一个重型反坦克自行火炮项目,使用的是来自百夫长MK.3的设备和零件,起初进行测试时,装备的是自动装弹机制,由于弹药系统并不适合炮塔的尺寸而决定放弃了。有一辆原型车被建造并进行了测试,但该车没有大量生产。 Stats are for 100 percent crew. 100%成员下的数据 Tier 10 TD 车辆价格:Price: 6,1 mil credits 车辆血值:Hitpoints: 1450 (应该是2450吧) 车辆引擎:Engine: 650 hp 车体重量:Weight: 50,802 tons 车推重比:Power-to-weight: 12,79 hp/t 前后极速:Maximum speed: 35/12 km/h 车体转速:Hull traverse: 32 deg/s 地形阻力:Terrain resistance: 0,959/1,247/1,822 炮塔转速:Turret traverse: 12,5 deg/s 视野范围:Viewrange: 330 通讯距离:Radiorange: 750 车体装甲:Hull armor: 76,2/50,8/? 炮塔装甲:Turret armor: 14/14/14 完全体炮:Elite gun: 183mm L4 炮的伤害:Damage: 1150/1750/1750 炮的穿深:Penetration: 310/230/92 炮的射速:ROF: 1,788 炮的伤害:DPM: 2055,9 装弹时间:Reload: 33,562 弹药数量:Ammo carried: 12 rounds 炮的精度:Accuracy: 0,345 瞄准时间:Aimtime: 2,68s 俯仰角度:Depression: -5/+8 炮的射界:Limited traverse: 90 degrees (45 to each side- 每边各45°) 装甲示意图Armor: [编辑:不详]