Upcoming tier 9 regular British tank destroyer for the 9.5 patch. 即将在9.5版本出现的英系9级普通TD. Description: 车辆描述: A prototype tank destroyer. Created on the British Centurion medium tank chassis. Developed in order to fight contemporary heavy tanks, including the IS-3. 一辆TD原型车,在百夫长中坦底盘上设计而来,开发的目的是为了对抗同时代的重坦,包括Is-3。 Stats are for 100 percent crew. 100%成员下的数据: Tier 9 TD 购买价格:Price: 3,5 mil credits 车辆血值:Hitpoints: 1250 车辆引擎:Engine: 950 hp 车辆载重:Weight: 49,442 tons 车推重比:Power-to-weight: 19,21 hp/t 前后极速:Maximum speed: 35/20 km/h 车体转速:Hull traverse: 32 deg/s 地形阻力:Terrain resistance: 0,959/1,055/1,822 炮塔转速:Turret traverse: 20,9 视野范围:Viewrange: 320 通讯距离:Radiorange: 782,1 车体装甲:Hull armor: 76,2/50,8/? 炮塔装甲:Turret armor: 132,1/95,3/? 白板炮:Stock gun: 105mm L7 炮的伤害:Damage: 390/480/480 炮的穿深:Penetration: 268/210/105 炮的射速:ROF: 9,202 装弹时间:Reload: 6,521 弹药数量:Ammo carried: 72 rounds 炮的精度:Accuracy: 0,297 瞄准时间:Aimtime: 1,73s 俯仰角度:Depression: -5/+10 精英主炮:Elite gun: 120mm L1A1 炮的伤害:Damage: 400/400/515 炮的穿深:Penetration: 259/326/120 炮的射速:ROF: 8,343 装弹时间:Reload: 7,192 弹药数量:Ammo carried: 20 rounds (有点少啊。) 炮的精度:Accuracy: 0,316 瞄准时间:Aimtime: 1,92s 俯仰角度:Depression: -5/+10 Armor:装甲示意图: [编辑:不详]