by now, you are surely already aware of the fact that SU-76i was removed from the shop. Hmm… why do I keep writing SU-76i, when it’s SU-76I? Bad habits I guess. Anyway, right – about the removal. 现在为止,你已经意识到SU-76i从外服特贵商店里移除了。恩……为什么我要把SU-76I写成SU-76i呢?我就是毛病事多……比起这个你们给我关心SU-76i的移除啊! There are bits and pieces we can put together. 现在我们来整理下已知的零碎和细节。 It took cca 40 hours to collect the SU-76i statistics on Russian server – essentially, the Russians had it 24 hours longer than us (their patch came one day earlier). From what I can tell, first feedback that it was not such a bright idea started arriving to the developers after a few hours of the patch day. The vehicle appeared in somewhat large numbers on its tier and Yuri Pasholok noted around noon on his blog that the vehicle might be overpowered (he reports 100 percent winrate in 40 battles), at which point he likely contacted other WG developers, who in the meanwhile started realizing what happened and started paying attention to the vehicle statistics. 从毛服中提取SU-76i的数据花了大约40个小时-本来,毛服就比欧服早24个小时拿到这个车(他们的补丁发布要早一天)。以我所知,补丁放出后几小时开发者收到的第一波反馈便是,上架SU-76i的决定显然不是什么英明的决定。这辆车的数量在他的分房里瞬间爆炸,Yuri Pasholok当天中午在他的博客中提到这辆车很可能会OP(我们大私服玩家跟他们比起来都是先知啊-英语君注)(他提到了某40场连胜的情况),同时他很可能联系了WG的开发者们,同时开发者们也意识到了这点并开始盯紧这辆车的数据。 Allegedly (according to anonymous WG source), SerB didn’t approve the sale (he doesn’t have to, it’s a marketing thing) and when he heard they put SU-76i into the shop, he raged the entire evening. 据说(根据某个匿名的WG资料源),SerB并不同意SU-76i开卖(但是他不管这些,因为这些归市场部管),并且在他听说WG把SU-76i上架了之后疯了一个晚上。 According to various sources from supertest, the vehicle itself was tested in many rounds (various sources state 7 or 8 rounds), the testing of this vehicle ended in February 2014. Other earlier iterations with it were however reported as well, so it is estimated the vehicle was tested around 11 to 13 times. How the hell did they miss the fact that it’s imbalanced, noone knows (personally, I believe the developers KNEW it was imbalanced, it was a miscommunication between producers (marketing) and developers). 根据多份来自超测服的资料,SU-76i这辆车本身已经测试过多轮(资料显示是7或者8轮),而测试终止于2014年2月。其他资料说更早之前还有多次测试,所以估计这辆车已经测试过11到13回了。没人知道为什么他们没能注意到这车有多特么OP(个人来说我相信开发者们已经知道这车OP了,但是只是开发者们和市场部工作人员之间的交流有所误会所导致的)。 In any case, the next day (when EU got it), it was decided to remove it, at which point the supertesters (for some reason) recieved a letter from Nikolay Galihanov (External Testing Manager), saying they shouldn’t post anything about the SU-76i on the forums and that they should delete the old posts about it. In the evening, it ended with Storm admitting the entire fuckup. I do believe one of the factors was also the fact that from today for several days (three I think), there is a big Wargaming developer meeting on Cyprus and that the developers wanted this settled before they depart. 不管怎么说,第二天(当欧服开卖后),WG决定从商店里移除这辆车,同时超测服玩家们(由于某种原因)收到了Nikolay Galihanov(外部测试经理)的一封邮件,内容是不能在论坛中提到关于SU-76i的任何消息并且删掉老的关于其的帖子。傍晚,Storm承认这事完蛋了,然后全剧终。我相信其中一个因素是,几天后(我觉得是3天-SS注),会在塞浦路斯有个WG开发者大会,估计开发者们想要在会议结束前将这件事彻底定下来。 At this moment, there are two options what will happen: 现在,我们有两条选项可以走: - a nerf (with gold refund the was it was done with Superpershing) - nothing, it will just stay removed from the shop -锉(并且退钱,就像之前超潘的处理办法一样) -或者什么都不做,以后也永远不上架了。 One thing is for sure, it won’t be decided until next week. 不过至少有一点我们可以确认,就是直到下周之前我们都不会知道结果了。 [编辑:不详]