TD视野或面临重锉 9.4版新车视野创新低
Hello everyone, 大家好, just a quick post explaining something. Many of you were shocked yesterday by the upcoming tier 9 and 10 tank destroyer viewrange, which is: FV4004: 320 meters FV4005: 330 meters 临时发一贴解释一些东西。很多人都被昨天新9级和10级TD的视野吓到了,数据如下: FV4004:320米 FV4005:330米 While current viewrange tier 10 tank destroyers is (examples): Object 268: 400 meters Object 263: 410 meters WT E-100: 420 meters 目前10级TD的视野如下,例如: 268工程:400米 263工程:410米 百运:420米 etc. (basically between 400-420 meters). So why introduce vehicles, that have such a low viewrange suddenly? Well, the answer is (unfortunately/fortunately) simple. I asked around and there is a massive viewrange nerf coming (likely in 9.5, the nerf was announced earlier by Storm). It will definitely concern tank destroyers (they will have viewrange nerfed to the FV4004/4005 levels) and it’s possible it will concern other vehicles to certain extent. Details are unfortunately not known yet, it’s not even in testing yet. 基本上在400-420米之间。那么为啥突然要引入视野如此小的车辆呢?答案很简单,我打听了一下,说将有一次大规模的视野削弱(看来是在9.5,早先Storm说过要削视野)。这肯定会涉及到TD(会削弱到FV4004/4005的水平),而且还可能在一定程度上波及其他车辆。遗憾的是具体细节目前还不得而知,这个甚至还没进行过测试。 The goal of this nerf is to improve the role of light tanks and scouting in the game. 这么做的目的是提高轻坦和侦察车在游戏中的地位。 [编辑:不详]