As predicted, in 9.5, some vehicles will have a viewrange nerf. Here is a list of some, I am not quite sure whether the list is complete, my bet is that it is not. On the other hand, scouts got theirs buffed. The old one is in the brackets. 与预计的一样,9.5中有部分车辆的视野被砍了。以下是部分被砍的车辆的列表,我不确定这列表是否完整,但我猜肯定不是。另一方面,侦察车的视野被buff了。旧的视野在括号中。 IS-8: 370 (400) WT Pz4: 320 (410) Т-54: 370 (390) Т-44: 360 (380) ISU-152: 310 (370) IS-3: 360 (350) (a buff, odd) Rhm.-Borsig: 310 (400) Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger (P): 360 (380) Jagdpanther: 300 (370) T20 350: (390) Lorr.155 51: 280 (360) GW Panther: 270 (370) AMX-13-75: 430 (390) T21: 420 (390) [编辑:不详]