11月12日你问我答 玩家男女比例差距巨大
Straight from Wargaming (confirmed info): map Simferopol will NOT come, at least not anytime soon. It was decided to mothball it. WG的最新消息(已经确认的信息):地图“辛菲罗波尔”不会被实装,至少不会很快被实装,因为它被决定转为储备地图了。 - women form no more than two percent of WoT playerbase 女性玩家占WOT玩家群中的不到2%,男女比例差距明显 - the main playerbase of WoT consists of men from 28 to 35 years WOT的主要玩家群由28-35岁的男性构成。 - lately, the number of clans was increasing (for various reasons, from CW to the fact the people want a clantag) 最近军团的数量正在增加。(基于各种原因,比如领土战,或者是玩家想要一个军团标签的事实。PS:可能跟外服第三期领土大战也有点关系。) - the info above led to the development of Strongholds, as clanners needed some sort of “ecosystem” 接上面这条,这个也是要塞模式发展的原因,因为军团成员也需要自己的“生态系统” - developers are experimenting with Stronghold mode “bunkers”, created in some sort of building (their strength depends on the level of the building, the bunkers are being tested on Malinovka) 程序猿正在研究要塞模式里面曾经提到的“地堡”,也就是某种形式上的防御性建筑物(它们的实力取决于自身建筑等级,地堡正在马利诺夫卡这张地图上接受测试。) - these bunkers and other SH consumables will be deployed by clan commander via a “tactical tablet” 这些地堡和其他要塞战模式中的消耗品将会由军团里的指挥官通过“战术板”进行部署。 - current version of premium account/tank XP is temporary, premium tanks (or account, unclear) will be buffed further 当前版本的高级账号和金币车的经验收益是暂时的,金币车(或者高涨,暂时不清楚)以后会被buff。 - Storm won’t participate in WoWs development “Tanks are 200 percent enough for me” Storm不会加入战舰世界的开发的,“WOT对我来说已经能200%的满足我了” - Stalingrad will be further fixed (players complained about the “small yards”, Storm added that the map is difficult as it is even without them) 斯大林格勒将会进一步被修正。(有些玩家抱怨地图上的那些“小庭院”,Storm补充说即使没有那些“小庭院”,这地图也挺难玩的。) - PvE mode: “when it’s done it’s done” 人机模式:“好了就告诉你。” - 3-caliber rule will not be cancelled (“tell that to players shooting big guns at light tanks”) 3倍口径法则不会被取消。(快去告诉那些用大管子射轻坦的人。) - a player proposed a theory, that some of the lags are caused on the client side by energy saving CPU functions (EIST, C-States, Turbo Boost). Storm: “Until you present us with evidence of these “mysterious” lags, it’s unlikely we will do anything” 有个玩家提出一个理论,说某些延迟是有客户端这边的CPU节能功能导致的(智能降频、CPU电源状态、睿频加速)。Storm对此表示:“除非你能提出关于这些神秘的‘延迟’的证据,不然我们是不去关注的。” [编辑:不详]