坦克世界11月26日你问我答 受攻击提示MOD或被封
- Q: “Why does IS-4 have its historical gun, the D-25T, which is a joke on tier 10, while other tanks do not have such an alternative gun?” A: “There are already enough tanks in the game with “joke” guns” 问:“为啥IS-4可以选择符合历史的D-25T作为主炮而其他十级坦克没有这么逗比的备选主炮?” 答:“这是因为这个游戏里已经有太多坦克在使用“逗比”主炮了。” - Q: “The missions for Object 260 are too tough and there will be a lot of rigging” A (SerB): “I am already dreaming of how much butthurt will there be as a result of bans for rigging :)” 问:“神大人神大人,解锁260的任务太难了,会有很多人作弊啊?” 神大人:“我已预见过在我们严厉禁止作弊之后会有多少抱怨了!” - Q: “Will you add bonux XP to tanks with more than 1000 battles?” A (SerB): “…and how about for simply downloading a client, we unlock all the tanks, give you all the premium ones along with a jar of jam and a bag of cookies?” 问:“神大人神大人,您会给那些参加战斗总数达到1000场以上的坦克提供额外经验加成吗?” 神大人:“。。。。。。要不然像这样吧,以后我们把游戏改成这样,你下载一个客户端,我们就为你解锁全部坦克,再送你所有金币坦克,最后还附赠一罐果酱和一包小饼干?” - the fact that tanks traverse by “jerks” (unlike the fluid turret traverse) is historical 实际上在早期版本中科技树是竖版而不是横版。 - Q: “Can we expect render range to be turned to circle in 9.5 or 9.6?” A (SerB): “Well, you can always expect anything” 问:“神大人神大人,我们可以期望坦克的渲染范围在9.5或者9.6版本中改成圆形吗?” 神大人:“你们可以期望任何事情啊。” - it’s theoretically possible to change render range for each tank individually, but it’s not needed – the balance parameter is the view range, limited render range is a technical parameter that would be best removed altogether 在理论上为每辆坦克单独改变渲染范围是可行的,但实际上并没有这个必要。因为这个游戏以视野为平衡标准,所以作为一个技术标准,有限的渲染范围最好是被全部移除比较方便。 - Storm states that a mod, which will identify not the shooter but only shell type will stay legal (possible), only mods that also tell you WHO shot you will be dealt with Storm表示一个仅说明你被何种弹药击中而不标明攻击者的MOD是可以继续使用的,但使用一个在说明你被何种弹药击中的同时标明攻击者的MOD则会被处理。 - it’s not possible for WG developers to simply get rid of the noobmeter part of XVM (hence the idea of anonymizing players in battles) 因为“战斗中某些令人厌烦的玩家”,WG的开发者们是无法摆脱XVM插件所显示的“菜鸡组”地位的。 - developers are apparently not thinking about reducing the 25 percent RNG in penetration 开发者们显然没想过降低25%的穿深浮动。 - regarding the current announcement of Object 907 buff – Q: “Fuck this, they should have buffed it only after the third campaign for massive butthurt.” A: “Yea, we thought about it :)” - Object 907 was buffed because it was simply too weak, now it’s okay 关于907工程的BUFF。 问:“干,你们怎么没在第三赛季结束后玩家抱怨得铺天盖地的时候就BUFF这车啊?” 答:“想过!” 907工程被BUFF是因为它之前弱爆了,现在它很好。 [编辑:不详]