12月3日你问我答 STA2和88豹没有分房保护
2014-12-05 23:40来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
- - the amount of 200 people working on WoT includes artists and testers WOT的200名开发人员中包括美工和测试者。 - - Storm says he can’t talk about the Havok development, but he mentioned that one of the issues is that with a lot of destruction on the screen, it consumes too much memory (RAM), there are also performance issues Storm表示他不能谈添加Havok引擎开发游戏的相关问题,但他指出一个很大的问题是场景破坏度高得感人以致消耗过多内存,同时在画面表现上还有其他问题需要处理。 - - dynamic tank characteristics are still in the development queue, Storm admits they were pushed numerous times to the back due to other priorities 动态坦克特效仍在制作过程中,Storm表示为了处理其他更紧急的问题,这项工作被延后了很多次。 - - there is generally no such thing as a plan for unification of WoT, WoWp and WoWs interface WG并无为坦克世界、战机世界和战舰世界制作一个单一的大厅界面的计划。 - - developers were working on TXAA anti-aliasing, they scrapped it because “it turned out to be shit” 开发者们尝试过在游戏中引入TXAA反锯齿处理,但他们最终放弃了这个想法,因为“做出来的结果简直就是渣渣”。 - - HD models are being made by outsourcers 高清模型是外包出去做的。 - - historical and garage battles and new chat are still being developed 历史战、车库战和新的客户端聊天界面仍在开发之中。 - - chat 2.0 server part was gradually implemented since spring 2014. After that is done, developers will add the client side. 聊天界面Mk-Ⅱ的服务器部分从今年春天就已开始运作了。在客户端聊天界面完成之后开发者们会把它加入客户端的。 - the fact that RU251 HEAT shells are flying much faster than AP shells is correct (historical) RU251HEAT弹的飞行速度比AP弹快很多是符合历史的。 - - apparently, STA-2 will not have limited MM either (just like Panther 88) 看起来STA-2和88豹一样也没有分房保护。 - - 9.5 KTTS video was apparently already made 9.5版本的你问我答视频已经制作好了。 [编辑:不详]