
12月4日你问我答 FV215b(183)改动没有补偿

  Just to be sure, let me just explain you how this works real quick, so there is no misunderstanding. The Insider has access to developer conversations. It’s thus completely possible that he gets the wrong idea from some conversations, or connects the dots incorrectly (the female crews info turned out to be right, but were first thought to be a part of the recruit program and not the individual missions). Unless it’s an official statement by WG RU people (Storm, SerB, Evilly and others) or a supertest leak (those are so common now they are hardly leaks at all), there’s always a chance that the info is wrong or mixed. Even though I do my best to verify stuff from other sources, you’d be surprised of how much I did not post because it was simply unverifiable – a borderline example would be the recent Insider post, but since that particular insider was not the only source I heard the same piece of information from, I decided to leave that part of the Insider post there. On the other hand, you have WG staff claiming the opposite, so in the end, it’s only a choice of who you believe, nothing more).

  只是为了说明下,我稍微解释下我到底在这里做什么,免得老是有那么多误会。内部人员是可以参加开发者交流的。因此他们也可能从某些对话中得到错误的信息,或者断句没断对什么的(女性成员的信息是对的,但是一开始的计划是增员计划而不是个人任务奖励)。除非是WG的俄服工作人员做出的官方声明(Storm,SerB,Evilly或者其他一些)以及超测服的泄露资料(尽管现在这个很常见,都算不上是“泄露”了),否则错误或者混杂什么的很常见。尽管我会尽力去从其他方面来核实来源问题,你会惊奇有多少东西我没有发布过,仅是因为它们是无法核实的 - 界限的话,举个例子来说就是最近的内部人员文章,但是因为那个内部人员并不能是我唯一能得到资料的来源,所以我决定先搁置内部人员文章的发布。但是从另外一方面来说,你也可以只看WG的工作人员发布的资料,总之,你可以决定你信谁不信谁,没什么的。

  I sort of hoped I wouldn’t need to explain all this again, but… okay. I think most of you guys understood even before this post, but just to be sure.


  Just in case you missed it – 9.5 common test comes tomorrow.


  - SerB states he cannot comment on the company monetary policy of tying the prices to USD (SS: a player was complaining about price increases on RU server, caused by sharp ruble drop compared to USD)


  - SerB states that the three caliber rule is not a myth, it works


  - T37 hitpoints are given by “complex of characteristics” (a balance parameter)


  - more lowtier Soviet tanks are not planned for now, it’s possible some will be released as some sort of reward/event tank


  - Storm states that he’s aware that patch 9.5 doesn’t have that much content, but at least there will be some lag and freeze fixes, along with the RAM and GPU memory use fixes, that will come as well


  - Havok will not come in 9.5, the deadlines have been missed


  - Storm consider FPS drops in the game more serious than average FPS in general, that’s why they focused on those in 9.5


  - the FV215b 183 changes consist of mobility nerf, but turret armor buff

  FV215b 183的改动包括机动性的下降,但是炮塔装甲会提升

  - there will not be any compensation for the FV215b 183 changes

  FV215b 183的改动不会有补偿的

  - the minimap in 9.5 KTTS video looks odd, because the video was made “using the old version”


  - the new minimap has higher performance than its XVM equivalent, makes the FPS drop only a little, although Storm notes that for final result a test on many PC’s is needed


  - the tank names on minimap (size-wise) will be “XVM standard” (SS: I don’t use that, so I can’t tell)


  - the changes on Mountain Pass are apparently, mild: “a bush was removed for example”


  - apparently, world-wide Blitz release will be tomorrow

  很明显,明天会发布world-wide Blitz(也许是正式发布闪电战?不清楚什么意思,FTR之前没提到过-英语君注)

  - T-34-85M will be sold in shop on RU server


  - regarding the Individual Missions, Evilly specifically confirms that the ending of first season does not mean the missions will no longer be available, it just means that another set of missions will activate in addition to the first one


  - Storm confirms: STA-2 will not have limited MM


  - apparently, Scorpion will arrive in the game not in 9.5, but “later”


  - IM’s will most likely appear on 9.5 test, but in simplified form


  - the “flattening” of maps concerns small terrain irregularities, that do not influence gameplay, but make the driving and aiming worse (SS: isn’t that a contradiction?)


  - IM’s will be published in a special article, soon


  - Sixth Sense rework (tied to radioman) will come in “one of the upcoming patches”


  - apparently, the Firefly tracks (just like the Fury ones) are inverted (the grousers should be opposite), this will be fixed


  - 9.5 will not bring the FV4202 switch or the Chieftain


上一篇:12月3日你问我答 STA2和88豹没有分房保护


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

