坦克世界9.5超测服更新日志 萤火虫线加入
Keep in mind the list is not final! For example some vehicles are still missing. 请注意这个说明依旧不是最终方案!比如说有些车辆的下落依旧不明。 - added the Firefly line (it’s incomplete in the patchnotes, some vehicles still missing from the supertest) 添加了萤火虫线(不过日志里这条线的信息依旧不完整,一些车辆依旧没有在超测服中出现。) - added several vehicles for supertesters (AMX CdC, AMX-13/57, STA-2, ISU-130) 一些车辆被加入了超测服(AMD CdC, AMX-13/57,STA-2,ISU-130) - fixed some visual issues with the models of Maus, Fury, Jagdpanther, KV-1S 修复了一些车辆的视觉模型问题,有鼠式,狂怒,猎豹和KV-1S。 - fixed the armor bugs in following models: Hetzer, SU-14, WT Pz.IV 修复了如下车辆的装甲bug:追猎者,SU-14,四号武器运载车 - added new maps: Winter Ruinberg, Mittengard, Ghost Town 添加了新地图:冬天的鲁别克,天坑, 幽灵小镇 - removed Severogorsk and Ruinberg on Fire from the game 别洛戈尔斯克和烈焰鲁别克从游戏中被移除 - fixed some landscape irregularities on the maps Moutain Pass, Fisherman Village and Windstorm 修复了一些地图上的景观,费舍尔湾,风暴小镇,胜利之门和迷雾小镇 - fixed some game issues on the map Stalingrad 修复了游戏里斯大林格勒这张地图中的一些问题 - fixed some visual model issues of certain environmental objects 修复了一些场景物品的视觉模型问题。 - a player will now recieve 10 percent extra XP for scouting damage for each level of difference between his tank and the target (but no more than 30 percent) (SS: as in, if a tier 8 LT lights up a tier 10 and recieves spotting damage, he’ll get 20 percent extra XP) 现在玩家会根据点亮伤害来获得每级10%的额外经验(但不会超过30%)(SS:举个例子,如果一个8级LT点亮了一个10级车辆并且获得了点亮伤害,它将获得20%的额外经验。) - added following functions to the minimap: viewrange indicator, gun traverse sector (only for arty), tank names and displaying the last place where a tank was spotted 小地图增加了如下功能:视野范围指示器,火炮射界显示器(仅适用于火炮),坦克的ID和灭点记忆功能。 - added interface fixes in the “special battles” window 修复了“特殊战役”窗口的一些问题(比如最近领土战的窗口里面双方对话是公开的- -) - fixed the visual camouflage in improved graphics (new render) 修复了在改进画面下迷彩的视觉效果(新的渲染器) - fixed some UI and game issues in the Stronghold mode 修复了要塞模式中一些UI和游戏中的问题(比如打完了没法退出,强退拿不到钱和资源。) - the AFK punishment warning will now display only after 3 AFK battles in a row (instead of the current punishment), punishment will come roughly after 4th AFK battle 在连续AFK3次后AFK警告不会出现了(代替当前的惩罚机制),在你第四次AFK后你将会受到惩罚。 - fixed some freezes and crashes of the client 修复了客户端崩溃和假死的问题。 - changed the condition text description for several medals 改变了一些勋章的文字描述 - fixed the “jumping” of tank icons on minimap 修复了小地图上坦克图标“跃迁”的bug - fixed the lags caused by display of some special effects 修复了因为一些特定原因造成的延迟问题。 - fixed the “flickering” of leaves and bushes in sniper mode 修复了狙击模式下树叶和灌木的闪烁问题。 - fixed the bug where the tank “sinks” into the floor of the hangar 修复了坦克会“沉没”在车库里的bug - fixed some small UI bugs 修复了一些UI上的bugs。 [编辑:不详]