12月7日你问我答 9.6版本为技术性补丁
Yes, there was a captured KV-1 in the 9.5 ASAP video (visible at one point in the garage). No, it doesn’t mean it’s going to be implemented soon, or – ever. The captured vehicle models are very old – for years now they existed. AFAIK captured vehicles are not planned anytime soon. 眼尖的同志们可能看到ASAP视频里出现了缴获的KV1(在车库里某个地方可以看到)。但是这并不代表着这车会很快出或者一定会出。缴获型的坦克模型已经放了几年了,而这玩意现在终于出现了。以我(SS)所知,这辆车的推出并不在计划之中。 - Storm confirms that render range will be reworked to a circle Storm确认渲染范围会重制为圆形的 - players will have to play even types of vehicles they dont like (4 out of 5 anyway) in the personal missions 完成个人任务的时候玩家会被强迫去玩他们不喜欢的坦克类型(虽然是5种里面挑4个) - the map Ghost Town was made by the same people as the other (random battles) maps 幽灵之城这张图的制作者和其他图的是同一批人 - no final decision was made yet as to whether the Ghost Town map will appear in random battles or not 还没有决定幽灵之城这张图会不会出现在野队随机战斗中。 - Storm confirms: premium tanks like Panther 88 will not be possible to test during CT from now on, until they are released in the magazine (SS: wow… that’s fair) Storm确认:从今以后,88豹这样的金币坦克不会在公测里测试了,直到他们完全放出之后才会出现在公测里(SS:恩……真公平) - Storm states that while the arguments against including the platoon element into personal missions are all logical, WG still decided to implement it that way for now Storm表示,尽管反对个人任务里加入组队元素的声音说得好有道理,但是WG还是决定这么做了 - currently, WG is working on 150 HD models, they are in various stages of work. WG is still working on the HD model mass-production process however, testing and teaching the outsourcers. 现在,WG正在处理150个高清模型,他们分别处于不同的工作阶段。尽管WG正在量产高清模型,同时也在测试和教模型外包商。 - apparently, WG has much trouble with the new BigWorld iteration 很明显,WG对bigworld引擎的更新很头疼 - 9.6 will be a technical patch, apparently there will be some game changes but no “big thing” 9.6将会是个技术性的补丁,对游戏会有些改动,但是没有“大资讯” - Japanese STA-2 will definitely be available for sale (AMX-13/57 and AMX CDC – not sure) STA-2肯定会卖的(AMX 13/57或者AMX CDC则不清楚) - 9.6 will bring new HD models, but not the IS-3 9.6会有高清模型的,但是没有IS-3的 - Storm states that when he saw the list of what will be in 9.6, his mood spoiled Storm表示当他看到9.6要处理和加入的东西的列表的时候,整个人都不好了 - apparently, WG hired a bunch of engineers with armor knowledge to oversee the model production so there are no mistakes 很明显,WG雇佣了一批懂装甲的工程师,让他们来看看模型的建造,以确保万无一失 - Storm states that 9.5 new minimap features don’t need a complete overhaul, just a few tweaks Storm表示9.5的新小地图不需要大改,只有一些小问题 - IS-7 gun bug (SS: using lowres model on high details) will be fixed in 9.5 IS-7的主炮bug(高画质下依旧使用地分辨率贴图)的问题会在9.5修复 - IS-4 in HD will come “relatively soon”, but it will be a different model that was shown in the videos – a better model IS-4的HD模型“很快就来”,但是会比视频中出现的那个更好 - in new 9.5 minimap, the tank names are using the same layer as the icons. Storm states that WG was forced to do it, since doing a separate layer reduced the performance was two times worse 新的9.5小地图里,坦克的名字和图标处于同一图层中。Storm表示WG必须这么做,因为分别做成两个图层的话性能也会下降两次 [编辑:不详]