12月8日你问我答 个人任务引发俄玩家抱怨
Storm was just collecting feedback on personal missions (can’t get used to that, I’ll call it individual missions, both names are stupid anyway), no answers there, still – I wonder if anything will change based on vox populi. Storm正在收集关于单人任务(Personal missions)的反馈(SS:这个词我用得实在不爽,我以后就管他叫个人任务了(individual missions),反正两个词听起来都挺213的),但是依然没有最终答案 - 我很好奇会不会真的按照民意来搞 - Storm states that the infamous radioman miniturret on KV-5 will not be buffed: “if we do that, it will be overpowered when on the top of the team” Storm表示KV-5装着苦逼通信兵的小炮塔不会buff的:如果我们这么做,KV5当班长就会显得太强了 - Storm states that they balanced the 9.5 minimap (specifically the brightness of the tank names) around the way it is made in XVM Storm表示他们会平衡9.5的小地图的(特别是坦克名字的亮度)使其更像XVM显示的那样 - improved garage tank filter: “when it’s done it’s done” 改进车库的坦克过滤器“做好就会有” - Storm states that the placeholder stats are not even initial balance parameters, more like some numbers “so that it drives around and shoots so we can test the model” Storm表示那些临时数据根本没有平衡过一丝,其实更像是“有了这些数据我们就能把这车开出来打了”的感觉 - developers already have normal balanced tank parameters ready, only they released a really old version on the test server 开发者已经有了平衡过得数据了,只是测试服里实装的事比较老的版本 - according to Storm, the patch is TECHNICALLY ready, so it’s possible to test (things other than the tanks) 根据Storm,补丁从“技术上来说”已经准备完毕,所以可以开始测试了(除了坦克以外的那些东西) - Storm states that to reward most active reporters of bugs with gold and stuff is not an option, because it would just get exploited Storm表示奖励bug报告者一些金币或者其他玩意的想法不会实施的,因为这一点会被人利用 - the Ghost Town map will be checked for clipping objects (SS: apparently there are great many objects that should be destructable but instead the tank just clips through them) 幽灵之城(幽灵小镇,鬼城,官方没出之前随便你们怎么翻译啦)会在碰撞方面进行测试(SS:这张图里的很多物体应该是可摧毁的,但是实际上坦克可以穿过去) - Storm confirms that the IM parameters in the test are not final Storm确认个人任务的数据还不是最终结果 - IM’s will not be activated (possible to complete) automatically (like achivements) 个人任务不会(就像成就一样)自动激活(可以完成) - IM’s will be rebalanced to assure that enough players can complete them 个人任务将会平衡,以保证足够的玩家可以完成 - M6A2E1 HD model will not come in 9.6, it will be made according to historical parameters M6A2E1高清模型不会在9.6到来,他会根据历史的数据来被重制 Storm reacting on players getting angry about the IM’s: “What a massive butthurt you have here! Next time, we will have to specifically screw with various settings to be able to see such stuff again. Missions are not balanced yet.” (SS: the Russian players were quite pissed about these missions, posting some angry reactions including pretty NSFW 18+ stuff) Storm关于人们对个人任务表示十分愤怒的反应:“你们都被爆菊了啊火气那么大,下次我们会调整这些设置,数据也会有所改动的。任务都还没有平衡过。”(SS:某些俄服玩家对任务颇有不满,发布了很多抱怨贴,甚至还发了很多对一个成年人来说看了之后都感受到了强烈的震撼的内容) [编辑:不详]