0.9.8加入缎带系统 战斗过程中进行颁发
Hello warriors, 勇士们好, in 9.8, Wargaming is introducing ribbons for in battle performance, you will receive them directly in combat. Currently there are only eight but the developers stated that “if the players like this, there will be as many as 30 in the future”. These ribbons are given for example for: damage dealt, critical hit, kill, bouncing shots with armor, spotting, assisting allies etc. 0.9.8中WG会加入一个根据战斗表现而颁发的缎带系统,这些缎带会直接在战斗过程中进行颁发。现在只有8个,但是开发团队说“如果玩家喜欢这个系统的话,以后可能会有多达30个的缎带。”获得缎带的条件的例子:造成伤害,致命一击,击杀,用装甲弹开炮弹,点亮以及协助队友等等 This is how they look: 看起来大概是这样的: And this is where WG got their inspiration from… WG是从这里找到灵感的……: 左:战地3,2011年 右:坦克世界,2015年 [编辑:不详]