WG招募志愿者协助管理 报酬将是独有车辆
2015-05-26 22:49来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
Hello warriors, 勇士们好: Wargaming RU started an interesting site. They are looking for a couple of volunteers to help with the game. This program was active for a while already (there are "community helpers" on RU forums) but they did not have a separate site before. You can read the announcement here. 俄服设立了一个有趣的网站。他们正在征集一些志愿者在游戏方面提供协助。这个计划在前一段时间就开始了(俄服论坛上的社区助手),但以前并没有一个专门的网站。 By the WG definition, a volunteer is not an employee (unpaid) who however does perform tasks assigned to him by Wargaming. These tasks include: 根据WG的规定,志愿者并不是公司雇员(无报酬),但需要完成WG指定的任务,包括: - moderation of chat - moderation of forums - helping players solving their issues (usually this involves anwering easy or obvious questions and pointing players to support) -管理聊天频道 -管理论坛 -帮助玩家解决问题(通常是回答一些简单的问题,以及指点玩家去找客服) Volunteers on RU forums do not receive money but they do occasionally get gifts such as exclusive vehicles. Please note that this is unlikely to ever appear on EU server due to the European labor laws that are very strict on any unpaid work. 俄服论坛的志愿者没有工资,但偶尔会收到礼物,比如独有的车辆。请注意看来欧服是绝对不会有的,因为欧洲的劳工法案对任何无报酬工作有极严格的规定。 [编辑:不详]