6月2日问答 开发者考虑砍金币弹的穿深
2015-06-06 05:41来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
- There's apparently a problem now with tanks losinghitpoints when hitting turrets ripped off by ammo rack explosions; 被爆弹药架坦克的炮塔飞到另一部坦克上后的扣血机制显然有问题 - Developers are currently actively working on the ghostshell issue (shells flying through tanks) 开发者们目前正在积极的处理“幽灵弹”问题(炮塔穿过车体却不见掉血) - The frontal armor of the IS-2 Berlin is historical:"cast straight armor, made by Plant No.200 - 100mm thick"; IS-2柏林版的前装甲是符合历史的:由200厂制造的铸造直板装甲,厚100mm - The amount of shells carried for T-54 Prototype ishistorical; T-54原型车的载弹量是符合历史的 - Developers are considering gold ammo penetration nerfsbut no specific numbers were given yet; 开发者们在考虑砍金币弹的穿深,但是具体怎么砍砍多少还不清楚 - Maus in the game doesn't have the track mounts on themodel the real Maus has, according to Storm it's justmodel simplification. 游戏中的老鼠模型上并不像下图中那样有备用履带板挂载点,Storm说这是为了简化建模需要 历史 游戏 [编辑:不详]