2015-06-06 05:41来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
- According toStorm, this is a part of matchmaker functioning normally; Storm称下图中出现的情况并不算分房系统抽风( 己方班长110E5,班副狮子,对面班长212A,班副T32 ) - There are noplans to remove Malinovka from hightier battles; 没有计划将马利诺夫卡从高级房移除 - There are noplans to remove Prokhorovka from hightier battles either (or at all); 同样完全没有计划将普罗霍洛夫卡(烈焰丘陵)从高级房移除 - T-34-85"Rudy"'s S-53 gun has improved penetration because "it hasdifferent shells"; T-34-85鲁迪型的S-53炮穿深更高,这是因为它采用了不同的弹药 - Rudy's gun isalso more accurate than regular T-34/85's gun because "the tank is mannedby a mega-crew and a dog"; 鲁迪的主炮也比常规的T-34-85精度更高,原因很简单,“是个超人和一条狗在操炮” - T-34-85M doesn'thave the improved Rudy's shells because "back then we did not consider itas necessary"; T-34-85M没有鲁迪型的改进型弹药,因为引入T-34-85M的时候还没想到这种东西有必要 – Storm cannot comment on “World of Tanks 2.0″; Storm对“WOT 2.0”不予置评 – WoT development will not end with patch 1.0; WOT的开发不会在1.0版本就迎来终结 – There’s a bug in 9.8 where some completed personal missions do not count. It will be fixed. 9.8中有个Bug,部分已经完成了的个人任务会不被统计。这个问题会被修复 – Storm states that the alleged issue with artillery aim circle “twitching” in 9.8 is not confirmed and must be investigated further; Storm表示9.8中相传的那个火炮瞄准圈“跳动”的问题至今无法得到确认,他们还需要进一步调查 – There were no changes to accuracy in 9.8; 9.8中没有改动精准 – According to Storm Wargaming is not afraid to chat ban toxic players even though this might result in monetary losses: “We deemed it so that there will be more profit in that.” Storm说WG并不怕他们把那些喷子Ban了以后会导致利润下降:“我们认为这么做之后可以获得更大的利润” – Post-battle tank statistics are broken, they now sort tanks based on their names and not tiers. 战后的坦克数据画面有问题,它现在会根据坦克的名字来排序,而不是等级 [编辑:不详]