Yuri Pasholok问答 279工程可能会加入
2015-06-06 05:41来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
Hello warriors, 跑友们好啊, one of the owners of the Faster than All VK page went as a volunteer to work with Yuri Pasholok on the restoration of vehicles in Moscow. During that time he asked him some interesting questions. Here’s what he learned. Faster than All这个VK页面的所有者之一自愿去给Yuri Pasholok在莫斯科进行的车辆复原行动帮工了。在那段时间中他问了Yuri一些很有意思的问题。以下是他得到的回答: – Current T28 (turretless) is supposed to be replaced by a T95 prototype. The thing is, there are no drawings of the said prototype, only documents and descriptions. Based on these documents it’s something like the T28 HTC, only with tracks. It is almost like a T95 armor-wise but with terrible mobility. 现在的T28(没炮塔的)应该是要用T95原型车来换掉的。问题在于现在没有这个原型车的图纸,只有文献和描述。基于文献上的说法这东西其实就是个带履带的T28概念车。从装甲角度来看它和T95差不多,只不过机动性要更差一些 – The Mammut name is based on reality after all, the name appears in documents. As for the Mäuschen, that was how the vehicle was called in mid May 1942 (the variant with 150mm and 75mm guns); 猛犸这个名字最后发现就是它真正的名字,这个名字出现在了文献中。至于小鼠式的话,这个名字是德国人在1942年5月中旬期间对它的称呼(那个带150mm和75mm炮的版本) – The IS-3 with autoloader loading mechanism is comparable to the one of the Object 279, Object 770 and Object 277. It’s practically polo-automatic, the loader doesn’t have to haul the shells around. The casette mechanism is missing from World of Tanks for balance purposes. 带自动装填机的IS-3的那套自动化机制和279工程,770工程以及277工程上的差不多,基本来说就是半自动的,装填手不需要把弹药到处搬来搬去。WOT中没做出卡带式装填机制的原因是因为平衡方面的问题 – The developers at Chelyabinsk were working on an Object 777 variant with an autoloader and oscillating turret. WG knows about it but considers introducing such a vehicle to the game to be “dangerous”, they opted for the regular variant instead; 车里雅宾斯克的开发团队曾经搞过一个带自动装填机制和摇摆炮塔的777工程的版本。WG知道他们在干什么,但是他们同时认为把这么一辆车加入到游戏内是很“危险”的,他们最后选择了那个常规版本 – It’s theoretically possible to introduce Object 279 into the game but it would have to be nerfed to the ground, especially its impenetrable hull; 279工程理论上是有可能会加入游戏的,但是如果真的弄出来的话肯定会被砍的不像样子,尤其是那个打不穿的车身 译注:279工程,别的不论,主炮是130mm线膛炮,光这一点就够砍一刀的。至于车身为什么打不穿……大家可以看图: – Historians proposed to introduce the 150mm gun for the Maus into the game but this plan was denied (for gameplay reasons, to make Maus and E-100 different); 历史学家曾经建议过要给游戏内的鼠式加上那杆150mm炮,但是这个方案被拒绝了(处于游戏性的考虑,为了区分鼠式和E-100) – The Japanese heavies will come but the most popular of them, the O-I, is only good enough to appear on tier 7 or 8. What will be the tier 10 is a mystery from historical point of view. A part of a track was found in Japan with the width of 80cm, which is too much for any known Japanese projects. Apparently the track is a part of a prototype that ended with building a turret. The turret was then used as bunker on concrete stand. 日本重坦会出的,但是其中人气最高的那个,O-I只能作为7级或者8级车出现。10级车从历史角度上来看其实是个谜团。因为这辆车在日本唯一能找到的就只是一块80厘米宽的履带,而这么宽的履带对于任何日本的坦克计划来说都太大了。这块履带是个只造出了炮塔的原型车的一部分。这个炮塔后来被装在混凝土上作为碉堡使用了。 It’s the turret from this photography: 也就是图上这个炮塔: [编辑:不详]