超重型坦克 日系六级重坦Mi-To 150
2015-06-29 23:45来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
Hello warriors, 勇士们好: this is the Japanese tier 6 heavy from the upcoming 0.9.10 Japanese branch. 这是9.10将推出的本子重坦线上的6级车。 Description: 车辆说明: The development of a superheavy tank was started after the Khalkin Gol battle in 1939. The vehicle was intended to be a mobile bunker. The tank received a Mi-To designation (which means Mitsubishi-Tokyo). One prototype from mild steel was made without a turret. The testing ended with the suspension breaking down and by the end of 1944 the tank was dismantled for scrap. 在1939年的诺门罕战役后开始研制的一种超重型坦克。准备将其当做移动堡垒使用。该坦克被命名为“Mi-To”(三菱-东京的意思)。用软钢制造了一辆没有炮塔的原型车。由于悬挂损坏,测试被终止,在1944年年底被拆解。 等级:6级重坦 HP:970 发动机:1200 hp 重:150.370 tons 单位功率:7.98 hp/t 最高时速:29.4/10 km/h 车体转向:26 deg/s 炮塔转速:25 deg/s 地面阻力:0.959/1.151/1.534 视野:370 电台:443.2 车体装甲:150/70/? 炮塔装甲:150/150/? 主炮:120mm? 均伤:300 穿深:175 射速:5.848 DPM:1754.3 装填:10.26 精度:0.412 瞄准:2.97s 俯仰角:-10/+20