6月19日问答 未来攻坚战将出人意料
2015-06-29 23:45来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
- 88 percent of players tried at least one Domination battle 88%的玩家至少玩过一场攻坚战。 - Some of the future Domination variants will be "unexpected" 未来有些攻坚战模式将是“出人意料的”。 - Dynamic platoons will be reworked (spam removed) 会重制动态组队(移除通告信息)。 - In 9.9 there will be new medals for Domination to motivate platoon play 9.9会有新的攻坚战勋章,以鼓励组队。 - In 9.9 shadows will be reworked and their quality and optimization improved, there will also be new water render 会在9.9重制阴影效果,质量和优化方面都有改进。同时还会有新的水体渲染。 - 18 vehicles will have their collision model fixed in 9.9 (bugs, holes in armor etc.) 会在9.9修复18辆车的碰撞模型(bug,装甲上的空洞等)。 - While BigWorld allows WG to make 1500x1500 maps, this is not planned anytime soon 虽然BigWorld引擎允许制作1500x1500的地图,但最近没有这样计划。 - FV4202 switch will come this year along with the Chieftain switch 会在今年替换FV4202,同时还会用酋长替换FV215b。 - With "high probability" there will be a free tier 8 FV4202 given to players as a part of some mission 很可能8级金币FV4202会作为任务的一部分,免费发给玩家。 - FV215b (120) will actually stay in the game, developers are not sure how 实际上FV215b(120)将会保留在游戏里,但目前开发者还不确定。 - Japanese heavies in general are REALLY big (one is twice as big as the Maus) and very slow 总体上,本子重坦真得很大(有一辆是鼠式的两倍大),且非常慢。 - Japanese Tiger will be sold in premium shop in 9.9 and for gold in 9.10 会在9.9发售日本虎,在9.10可用金币购买。 - PvE is being worked on, bots are functional but it puts a lot of load on the server 正在开发PvE模式,NPC可正常工作,但会对服务器造成很大负载。 - According to Storm three monts development reaction cycle (from input to implementation) is completely normal 据Storm说,三个月的迭代开发周期(从开发到实装)完全是正常的。 - Storm confirms that the supertester opinion is taken into account during the feature implementation Storm确认在实装新功能时,会考虑到超测玩家的意见。 - Storm is very satisfied with the results of the new anti-aliasing and graphic system overhaul (in 9.9), there's no more "flashing" of textures Storm对新的抗锯齿,以及大改后的图像系统非常满意。不会有纹理“闪烁”的现象了。 - There will be a new grass render, the grass will be made of polygons instead of justsprites 会有新的草丛渲染,草的模型将用多面体制成,而不再是sprite精灵。 - WG for PC will have some HD models taken from the Xbox One - "those the realism of which is not that important" PC版中有些高清模型是从Xbox One版中移植过来的。“那些对真实性要求不高的模型”。 - "Old" HD models will be reworked to the "new" HD quality 会将“老”的高清模型按“新”高清模型的质量要求重制。 - Storm confirms that WT E-100 will be replaced Storm确认会替换百运。 - AFK Panther will not stay in the game ("It's kinda awkward. Who needs in anyway?") 黑豹侦查车不会保留在游戏中(“这车相当尴尬,没人想要这车。”) - WT E-100 breaks the game on high tiers according to Storm. It was sort of normalized but there are issues with it nonetheless (too much damage) 据Storm说,百运破坏了高级房的游戏。尽管对其做过一些平衡,但还是有问题(伤害太高)。 - Top tier British TD's (183mm) have no suitable replacements although they have the same issue as WT E-100 (too much damage). Storm emphasizes: no suitable replacement FOR NOW 虽然英国顶级TD(183)和百运有一样的问题(伤害太高),但没有合适的替代品。Storm强调:是目前没有合适的替代品。 - There is "no normal solution" to fight banned mods 对付非法插件,没有“标准的解决方案”。 - T92 Light Tank will not come this year 今年不会出T92轻坦。 Following tanks will come in HD in 9.9: 以下是9.9出的高清车: M46巴顿 T-62A 59式 T110E3 征服者 日本虎 丘吉尔VII M6A2E1 AMX-50-100 T23E3 62式 M4A1升级型 M48A2/T54E2/T123E6 JPz4-5 T-28E(F-30) 鼠式原型 FV201(A45) IS-3改进型 [编辑:不详]