SerB的QA:9.9版本德系换血 攻坚战大改
2015-06-29 23:45来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
Hello warriors, 勇士们好: a special stream with Storm on Russian server just finished! Here are the answers from Storm: Storm刚才在俄服做了一个特别的直播节目,以下是他回答的一些问题: - After the Domination event ends, the crews from the special tanks will stay and the XP will be transferred to tier 1 tanks of the respective nation 在攻坚战活动结束后,活动坦克上的乘员会保留,车辆经验会转移到同一国家线的1级车上。 - In 0.9.9 Domination will get a credit income buff 在9.9中,会增加攻坚战的银币收入。 - 0.9.9 will encourage platoon play 在9.9中,会鼓励组队游戏。 - Personal reserves mechanism will be further developed and polished. Credit-making personal reserves are still in discussion. Developers are planning to replace the weekend discounts with the personal reserve mechanism 会进一步开发及改进个人储备机制。增加银币收入的个人储备尚在讨论中。开发者计划用个人储备机制来代替周末折扣活动(译注:外服活动)。 - 0.9.9 will bring graphics engine update, some bug fixes and a Domination overhaul 在9.9中,会有升级版的图像引擎,修复一些bug,并大改攻坚战模式。 - Currently the developers are working a lot on improving the graphics engine in order to bring more HD tanks and HD maps. 0.9.9 will bring engine optimizations (concerning GPU). The overhaul concerns shadows, fullscreen anti-aliasing, old render optimization, water render improvement and lighting system optimization 目前开发者正在为改进图像引擎做大量的开发。目的是引入更多的高清坦克和高清地图。9.9会有引擎的优化(GPU方面)。这些大修改涉及阴影效果、全屏抗锯齿、优化旧的渲染、改进水体渲染,以及优化光照系统。 - HD client is currently in beta version 目前的高清客户端是beta版。 - XP bonus for "tanking" will be introduced after a complete damage system analysis. It will come but the work goes slower than the developers want. 会在对毁伤系统作全面分析后,引入抗伤害的经验奖励。这个会有的,但开发进度慢于开发者的预期。 - VK4502P B will be replaced by Mauschen in 0.9.9. Everyone who has it in the garage will get the Mauschen. Mauschen has inferior armor to the current VK4502P B. The VK will return as a tier 7-8 premium. 9.9会用鼠式原型替换VK4502(P)B。保有这辆车的玩家都会得到鼠式原型。相比现有的VK4502(P)B,鼠式原型的装甲会差一些。而VK4502(P)B会变成一辆7或8级的金币车。 - The Mammut is in testing. According to Storm the name is not historically correct. 正在测试猛犸坦克。据Storm说,这名字并不符合历史。 - AFK Panther will be replaced by Spähpanzer I.C. (SPIC) in 0.9.9 将在9.9用SP I.C(I.C侦查坦克)替换肉侦豹。 - Maps bigger than 1000 x 1000 are possible 超过1000x1000m的超大地图是可能的。 - Developers are now working on replacing the FV4202 with Action X Centurion. In the end WG managed to receive proper drawings. There will most likely be free FV4202 for current FV4202 owners (tied to a mission somehow). 关于用Action X百夫长替换FV4202这事,开发者正在做。WG最终搞到了正确的图纸。保有FV4202这车的玩家很可能会得到免费的新FV4202(但需要做任务)。 - FV215b will be replaced by Chieftain 将用酋长坦克替换FV215b。 - In several days there will be a test of tier 8-10 tank penetration nerf 在这几天内,会有一个关于8-10级车穿深削弱的测试。 - Developers are working on new tank motion physics - the problem is that it overloads the servers. However, developers are now working on the conversion mechanism from the old vehicle parameters to the new one. Test will come soon. 开发者正在开发新的车辆移动物理系统。问题是这会使服务器超载。不过,开发者正在开发一个转换机制,将老的车辆参数转成新的。很快会有测试。 - Japanese heavy branch will come soon. They are very specific and difficult to play, some of them are bigger than Maus. 即将推出本子重坦。它们很特别,难以使用,有一些比鼠式还大。 - Multiturret mechanism will come at some point 会在将来某个时刻推出多炮塔机制。 - Japanese Tiger will come in 0.9.9, visually it's an early model Tiger 9.9出日本虎,采用虎式早期型号的外形。(译注:国服已经出了吧?) - PvE mode is being developed (no specifics) 正在开发PvE模式(没有透露细节)。 - To ETA on the return of historical battles after the failure of the old ones 在上一次失败后,历史战何时回归还不知道。 [编辑:不详]