坦克0.9.9超测服补丁信息 新增两个模式
2015-06-29 23:45来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
The main change from supertest is that Wargaming added two new game modes: deathmatch (everyone against everyone) and "platoon deathmatch" (platoons against platoons). For the domination mode, following tanks were added: IS-7, Object 268, Leopard 1, T57 Heavy, Batchat 25 这次超测的主要改动是增加了两个新模式:死亡竞赛(以个人为单位的大乱斗),以及“组队死亡竞赛”(组队对组队)。至于攻坚战,增加以下坦克:IS-7、268工程、豹1、T57重坦、查迪伦25t。 - Supertesters received following vehicles: M4A1 Revalorise, T28E with F-30, Object 777, Scorpion (German tier 8 TD) 引入以下车辆:M4A1升级型、装F-30的T-28E、777工程、莱茵蝎式武器运载车(德系8级TD)。 - VK4502B was replaced by Mauschen, AFK Panther by SPIC 用鼠式原型替换VK4502(P)B、用SP I.C替换黑豹侦察车。 - 14 tanks were reworked to HD 14辆坦克重制为高清。 - 18 tanks had their collision model fixed (bugs and such) 修复18辆坦克的碰撞模型(bug之类的)。 - STA-2, Type 62 and T-44-122 (supertester tank) were buffed 加强STA-2、62式和T-44-122(超测车)。 - Swamp and Highway were reworked in order to support active gameplay in the map center 重制黑暗沼泽和洲际公路地图,鼓励在地图中央采用更积极的打法。 - Reworked some of the destruction effects of some environmental objects 重制一些破坏特效和一些环境物体。 - The Bigworld engine was signifcantly optimized BigWorld引擎有重大优化。 - Old render water and lighting quality was significantly improved 旧的水体渲染和光照质量有重大改进。 - Added the TXAA anti-aliasing 增加TXAA抗锯齿。 - Improved the lighting model, metallic and matte surfaces now look more realistic 改进光照模型,金属和哑光表面看上去更加真实。 - Reworked the shadow render, improving both quality and performance, soft shadows added 重制阴影渲染,提升了质量和游戏性能,增加软阴影特效(译注:模拟阴影渐变且在阴影周边制造虚化的效果)。 - Added grass shadows, using new fast method of drawing them (screen space shadows) 增加草的阴影,采用新的高速绘图技术(屏幕空间阴影)。(译注:话说这个是啥?) - Optimized and improved post effects: bloom, god rays, lens flare. Bloom is now more stable, the flicker when moving camera was removed 优化并改进以下特效:全屏泛光、上帝之光特效、镜头光晕特效。目前全屏泛光更加稳定,镜头移动时没有闪烁。 - Improved the quality and performance of HBAO (SSAO) 提升了环境光遮蔽的质量和游戏系能。 - Fixed some of the freezes and crashes of the game client 修复了一些客户端卡住和崩溃的问题。 - Fixed a bug where under certain circumstances guns with high penetration could not penetrate thin armor behind spaced armor 修复了以下bug:在某些特定情况下,高穿深炮无法击穿间隙装甲后面的薄装甲。 - Fixed a rare bug where a ricocheted shell under certain circumstances could end up inside the tank damaging modules or crew 修复了一个罕见的bug,在特定情况下,跳弹会进入坦克内部,毁伤模块或乘员。 - Fixed a large number of bugs and issues in team battle mechanisms 修复了大量7v7的bug和问题。 [编辑:不详]