6月20日问答 穿深修改暂处于测试阶段
- The client side of the Bigworld was heavily modified for Xbox purposes Xbox版客户端的Bigworld是做过深度改进的。 - Developers had a look at the T-54 Prototype premium, there is no need to buff it, it won't be given limited MM 开发者检查过T-54原型,没必要加强,不会有分房保护。 - Currently developers are working on instruments that would allow them to quickly convers the old motion values to new motion physics, they don't want the new physics to negatively influence gameplay 目前开发者正在开发相关工具,将旧的车辆移动参数转到新的物理系统上,他们不希望新的物理系统给游戏带来负面影响。 - HD E-75 will come relatively soon, its armor should not change 很快会有高清的E-75,装甲没变化。 - The packet of data transferred to client after the battle ends is relatively large, it can happen that the server doesn't sometimes transfer it correctly and that's when you will get "results unavailable" message 服务器传送给客户端的战后统计数据包是相当大的,有时候会出现没有正确传送的情况,这时候会出现“数据不可用”的提示。 - The people who made the personal missions are very experienced players (65+ winrate often), it's possible the first iteration was too difficult because experienced players did it 制作个人任务的人是非常有经验的玩家(通常是65%+胜率)。可能因为这些人都是老鸟,所以第一批个人任务做得太难。 - the current penetration test is just a test, there is no need to panic, developers will assemble and analyze the statistics first 目前的穿深修改只是测试,没必要恐慌,开发者首先需要对统计数据进行整理和分析。 - Current normalization is 5 degrees for AP rounds and 2 for subcaliber rounds 目前的转正值为:AP 5度,APCR 2度。 - There are no plans for radical improvement of medium tank mobility 没有计划本质性的加强中坦的机动。 - Q: "I didn't see KV-5 in the list of penetration changes!" A: "Should we nerf that too?" 问:KV-5不在穿深修改的名单上! 答:难道我们应该把它也砍了? - Roughly 10 percent of ammunition used by heavies and meds on tier 10 is gold ammunition (this percentage increases when fighting heavily armored targets) 10级重坦和中坦所消耗的弹药中,约10%是金币弹(当面对重甲目标时,这个比例有所提高)。 - Storm disagrees with one player's statement that gold ammo was nerfed enough while regular ammo was nerfed too much 有个玩家说,金币弹砍成这样足够了,但银币弹砍过头了。Storm表示不同意。 - WG considers a hardcap on gold ammo pointless WG认为设置金币弹数量上限是无意义的。 - Storm confirms the ghost shell bug (shells flying through targets) at close distances, WG is actively working on fixing it Storm确认了在近距离上有幽灵炮弹问题(炮弹直接穿过目标,没有伤害)。WG正在努力修复中。 - Artillery will be reworked 会重制火炮。 - WG developers are aware and do not want the situation where medium tanks are penetrating heavies at 500 meters from the front. Removing tier 10 medium tank gold shells however would not fix that as their regular shells are effective as well and the percentage of use of gold ammo of hightier mediums is very low. Medium tank penetration nerf of regular shells should make them do what they should do: flank 开发者知道目前中坦可以在500mm距离上击穿重坦的正面,他们不希望出现这种情况。但是,移除10级中坦的金币弹并不能解决这个问题,因为中坦的银币弹同样有效,高级中坦金币弹的使用比率是很低的。砍中坦银币弹的穿深可以让它们去做该做的事:侧翼攻击。 - Centurion will be buffed "if necessary" “如果有必要”,会加强百夫长的。 Maus has interesting statistics according to Storm. It is the target the other players are using gold ammo against the most. 21 percent of rounds that are fired at it is gold ammo. 60 percent of the fired gold ammo penetrates. 44 percent of non-gold ammo fired at Maus penetrates. And so, out of 100 non-HE rounds hitting the Maus 79 rounds are not gold, 35 out of those 79 rounds do damage. 21 rounds are gold and 13 do damage. Storm说鼠式的统计数据很有意思。它是最容易召来金币弹的目标。射向鼠式的炮弹中有21%是金币弹。这些金币弹中有60%击穿了,同时有44%的银币弹也击穿了。换句话说,每100发击中鼠式的非HE炮弹中,有79发不是金币弹,这79发中有35发造成伤害;另外的21发金币弹中有13发造成了伤害。 - There are no plans for now to test viewrange changes 目前没有测试视野修改的计划。 - Storm commenting on players panicking that new reworked Prokhorovka would have corridors: "with your logic even the old one has corridors". He however confirms: the leaked Prokhorovka is a test map with increased size, Prokhorovka or Fiery Salient will not be touched in 0.9.9 新的、重制后的普罗霍罗夫卡地图有了走廊,这在一些玩家间引起恐慌。Storm评论到:“动动脑子好好想想,甚至这地图的旧版本也有走廊。”但是,他确认说:泄露的普罗霍罗夫卡地图是张扩大了面积的测试用图,9.9不会去碰普罗霍罗夫卡和烈焰丘陵。 - the HD M46 turret is incorrect it will be fixed 高清M46的炮塔不对,会修复的。 - Storm has no idea what will they do with the Mammoth until it isn't configured properly Storm不知道在把猛犸搞正确之前,该如何处理这坦克。 - HD Type 59 should be in 0.9.10 应该是在9.10出高清59。 - Type 59 won't have its penetration nerfed 不会砍59的穿深。 - VK4502B was changed to Mauschen "because we wanted to" 之所以用鼠式原型替换VK4502(P)B,是“因为我们想这么做”。 - MSAA antialiasing will be suported in the future 未来会支持MSAA抗锯齿的。 - TXAA antialiasing and optimizations in 0.9.9 should actually IMPROVE the FPS while improving the picture as well 9.9的优化和TXAA抗锯齿应该可以在提高FPS的同时提高画质。 [编辑:不详]