8月15日QA:酋长与Action X或年底到来
2015-08-17 22:48来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
– Q: “I got chatbanned and that’s why I don’t play WoT!” A (Storm): “Then don’t write in chat. I never do.” 问:“我被禁言了,这就是我为什么不玩WOT的原因!”答(Storm):“那不在聊天里面说话不就完了。我从来就不说话。” – Contrary to popular belief WG mapmakers actually do play WoT; 和大众的想法不同,WG的地图制作部门是真的在玩WOT的 – Patch 9.10 has a bug: players quitting battle when killed but with the battle not over are getting punished as if they did quit battle prematurely, this will be fixed; 9.10补丁有个Bug:玩家在被杀掉之后,在战斗尚未结束的情况下离开战斗会被认定为他们在依然存活的情况下离开了战斗,而且会受到惩罚。这个问题会被修复 – Artillery being stuck for very long time in Domination queue is not a bug; 攻坚战中火炮要排很长时间的队的问题不是个Bug – There is a new garage tutorial but it is only for newbies; 车库的确是有个新的教程,但是只有新人能看到 – AMD graphic cards have issues on standard graphic settings in 9.10, this will be fixed; AMD的显卡在9.10的标准画面设定下有问题,这点会被修复 – Some players are not happy about the new 9.10 loading screens (too cluttered with info), according to Storm the screens are fine; 部分玩家对于新的9.10的载入画面不是很满意(信息过多),Storm说载入界面还好 – It’s possible the new loading screens will be optional but it’s also possible they will be removed altogether or enabled only for players with less than 1000 battles or even left as they are; 新的载入画面有可能会做成可选式的,但是还有可能会被砍掉,或者是只对场次在1000场以下的玩家开放,或者干脆就不改了 – Equipment window does not have functional scrolling, this is a bug that will be fixed; 装备窗口无法滚动,这个是个会被修复掉的Bug – The exact explanation of new tier limits for maps will be given as the patch comes closer (on Tuesday); 具体的关于在战斗等级上的地图限制会等补丁上线之后进一步说明(礼拜二) – The map limits were implemented to make the game learning process easier for newbies; 新的地图限制的用意是让新人更快的学会游戏 – Tier 6 vehicles will “have almost all the maps available”; 6级车“几乎能玩所有的地图” – The 9.10 test is functional even though it takes place during x5 period on RU server; 9.10的测试还是挺正常的,尽管和毛服的5倍经验活动有冲突 – Artillery will apparently be able to play Domination in 9.10 but Storm thinks it wont be viable anyway; 9.10里面的攻坚战是可以用火炮上场的,但是Storm觉得这么做不太可行 – Players are complaining that in HD the T110E5 armor is worse than in 9.9 (especially the cupola penetration), Storm states that it’s the same – or actually even a bit better: in 9.9 it was 241 to 247mm thick, in 9.10 it’s 259 to 265mm; 玩家在抱怨说高清的T110E5的装甲比9.9中的要差(尤其是观察塔这边),Storm表示都是一样的—或者说还更好一点。9.9的时候厚度是241~247mm厚,9.10的时候是259~265mm厚 – Some players pointed out that in gamemodels3d the Japanese tanks have 0mm areas where the driver’s viewport is located. This is not a bug – the 0mm viewport is there so it can be damaged but there is regular armor behind it; 部分玩家指出在gamemodels3d中日本重坦的驾驶员观察口的厚度是0mm。这个并不是Bug—那个0mm的观察口是可以被击毁的,但是在观察口的后面是有着常规的装甲的 – The “fight to the last” (“Rampage”) modes are considered “endgame content” and are intended for tier 10’s; “战斗到底”(‘暴怒’)模式被认定是“游戏末期内容”,是给那些10级车准备的 – Chieftain and Action X will come “until the end of the year”; 酋长跟Action X会“在年末之前出” – Tier 8+ vehicles will be playing on all maps except for Mittengard and Widepark; 8级以上的车可以在所有的地图上玩,除了“天坑”(小车图)和慕尼黑进不去。 – Storm confirms that WG is already supertesting circular render range; Storm肯定说WG已经在超测服上测试渲染圆形的渲染距离了 – M48A2/T54E2/T123E6 is really a name for ONE tank; M48A2/T54E2/T123E6真的是一辆车的名字 – 9.10 test M6A2E1 model and armor is the final version; 9.10测试中的M6A2E1的模型和装甲是最终版了 – Ingame M46 Patton does not have M47 turret but T42 turret; 游戏内的M46巴顿的炮塔不是M47的,而是T42的 – HD models released in 9.0 and 9.1 are incorrect and will have to be fixed. 9.0和9.1那时候弄的高清模型不对,必须要修复 [编辑:不详]