II号J装甲变动 胜率最高战车逆势再增强
2015-08-17 22:48来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
Hello warriors, 大家好, what do you do when you have the most overpowered pay to win premium tank in the game with 65 percent average winrate that you sell in 100 EUR bundles? That’s right… you buff it even more! 对于游戏内最屌的,平均胜率在65%的,一辆要买个100欧元的大包才送的P2W车到底要怎么办呢?没错……再Buff一下就好了嘛!(文章末尾附胜率图) Old armor: 旧的装甲: New armor: 新的装甲: What changed? 改动了什么地方呢? – Side 40mm weakspots removed, now the entire side is 50mm; 侧面的40mm的弱点区移除了,现在整个侧面都是50mm – Commander cupola is now tiny, very hard to hit; 现在车长的观察塔很小,想打中也很难 – Frontal 70mm “weakspots” (if you can call it that way) removed, now the entire front is 80mm; 正面的70mm的“弱点区”(如果你愿意说那是弱点的话)被移除了,现在整个正面都是80mm厚 – Rear now has two 60mm zones in addition to the old 50mm armor. 现在背面的装甲在旧的50mm之上多了两个60mm的区域 胜率图: [编辑:不详]