苏联8级金币车 T-34-100数据与装甲前瞻
Hello warriors, 大家好, this is the upcoming tier 8 Soviet premium premium MT, T-34-100. It’s one of the T-44 models with 100mm gun (LB-1) and side skirts, not much else to it. Mostly a clone – after all, this game needs more Soviet clone premiums. 这一辆是接下来会推出的8级苏联金币中坦,T-34-100。这个其实是一个用了100mm炮(LB-1)和侧裙的T-44而已,再就没什么了。其实就是个复刻车而已嘛—你看,这游戏的苏联金币复刻车还是不够多。 ![]() Description: 描述: This Soviet experimental tank was built in 1945 based on the T-44 tank. It differed from the mass-produced T-44 by the fact it had a LB-1 gun installed in a newly designed turret as well as by the anti-HEAT spaced armor on the sides of the vehicle. Two prototypes were built in total. 这俩是苏联在1945年基于T-44所制造的实验车。这个和量产T-44的差别在于它装的是一个LB-1炮,炮塔也是重新设计过的,在车身侧面也有反HEAT用的间隙装甲。一共制造过两辆原型车。 8级中坦 血量: 1350 发动机出力: 520马力 重量: 33,5吨 推重比: 15,52马力/吨 极速: 52/20 km/h 车身转速: 50,1°/秒 炮塔转速: 44°/秒 地形阻力: 0,863/1,055/1,822 视野: 380 电台范围: 730 车身装甲: 90/75/? 炮塔装甲: 120/100/? 主炮: 100mm LB-1 均伤: 250/250/330 均穿: 175/235/50 射速: 7,725 DPM: 1931,2 装填时间: 7,767 俯仰角: -7/+23 百米散布: 0,336 瞄准时间: 2,11s Armor: 装甲分布图: ![]() Model: 模型图: ![]() [编辑:不详]