9.10版一测与9.9版对比 日系重坦线加入
2015-08-17 22:48来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
– Fixed some issues with the damage models of the following vehicles: M6A2E1, T32, T110E3, T110E4, Caernarvon, Panther /M10. 修复了下列车辆的碰撞模型中的问题:M6A2E1,T32,T110E3,T110E4,卡那封,伪装豹 – Fixed some issues with the models of the following vehicles: М46 Patton, Heavy Tank No.VI. 修复了下列车辆模型上的问题:M46巴顿,VI号重坦 – Improved the aiming and dispersion on turret traverse parameters for the Maus. Buff了鼠式在炮塔旋转时的瞄准以及散布 Maps and Objects: 地图和其他物体: – Removed the Hidden Village and Pearl River maps from the Random Battle mode. 从随机战中移除了迷雾小镇和珠江之源 – Changed the distribution of maps across different battle levels. 改变了在不同战斗等级下的地图分配 – Fixed various issues and improved gameplay of the Redshire map. 修复了斯特拉特福上的一些问题,增强了游戏性 – Fixed the damage models of some environmental objects. 修复了部分环境物体的伤害模型 Other: 其他: – Fixed several issues and introduced improvements in the Team Battle mode. 修复了7/54模式中的一些问题,并且进行了改进 – Fixed some issues and introduced improvements in the functionality of Dynamic Platoons. 修复了动态组队的一些问题,并且进行了改进 – Reworked the battle loading screen. 重制了战斗的载入画面 – Added hints for certain elements of interface in the Garage. 对车库中的特定元素加入了一些提示 – Fixed some hang-ups and crashes of the game client. 修复了客户端部分卡死和崩溃的问题 – Optimized the performance of some special effects. 优化了部分特效的性能表现 – Reworked the effects of shells hitting the ground. 重制了炮弹击中地面时的效果 – Fixed some issues in the new mechanism of shadow display for the Improved graphics preset. 修复了在增强画面预设下阴影显示的一些问题 – Changed the default value for certain graphics settings. 改动部分画面设置的默认值 – Optimized certain aspects of game client performance. 优化了游戏客户端表现的特定方面 – Fixed the issue with “square” special effects displayed on some AMD video cards with certain AMD driver versions installed. 修复了在使用部分AMD显卡以及部分特定AMD驱动时会显示“方块”特效的问题 – Fixed the display of hit effects on vehicles. 修复了车辆被击中时的效果 – Fixed the functionality of autosearch in Team Battle mode. 修复了7/54模式中的自动搜索组队机制 – Fixed the positioning of some Emblems on different sides of the turret. 修复了在炮塔上不同的两侧的徽章位置 – Fixed the issue with the flickering of semi-transparent vegetation at some graphics settings. 修复了在特定画面设置下半透明的植被会闪烁的问题 – Fixed the names of some modules of Soviet vehicles. 修复了部分苏联车辆的模块的名字 – Fixed the sorting of vehicle type indicators on the score panel. 修复了在战后计分面板上的根据车型筛选的功能 – Fixed the issue with inability to decline a Platoon invitation received in battle. 修复了无法在战斗中拒绝动态组队的问题 |