2013-09-25 18:23来源:网络发布者:njhnjhccg新手卡|游戏下载
坦克世界9月25日你问我答,在基地挂机的坦克(LZ:据我朋友说是进了游戏后就退出的)在最后一个敌方坦克被击杀后1秒会自动爆炸(付修车费),这个功能已经推出有一段时间了(SS:笑,从来没见到过)。 - RNG won’t be reduced - RNG(Random Number Generato)随机数发生器不会被简化 - the feature of AFK tanks camping in base exploding one second after the last enemy tank has been killed (getting repair damage) has been around for a long time (SS: funny, never noticed that) - 在基地挂机的坦克(LZ:据我朋友说是进了游戏后就退出的)在最后一个敌方坦克被击杀后1秒会自动爆炸(付修车费),这个功能已经推出有一段时间了(SS:笑,从来没见到过) - skill MM won’t be implemented - 不会有技巧分房系统 - there will be more various combat missions - 会有更多的战斗任务 - 100 percent crew skill reset for credits won’t be implemented - 不会有银币洗技能保持100%经验的功能。 - companies will not be changed for now, but new 7vs7 format will be introduced - 联队战目前不会修改,但是会有新的7v7机制 - there will be special platoon searching interface (the way companies have it now) - 将会有特殊的组队搜索界面(就像现在联队战那样的) - Storm states about the results of the increased gun accuracy: “For now it all looks pretty well” - Storm关于增加炮精度后的结果:"目前为止看起来不错"(LZ:赞美高精度!) - HE shell explosion can bring down trees. SerB states that the radius in which the trees will fall is not equal to HE splash radius, as the trees need to be dealt a certain amount of damage before they fall, so the radius is somewhat smaller. HE shells from nonartillery guns can also bring down trees - HE爆炸能击倒树木。SerB表示并不是HE溅射范围内的树都会倒,需要有一定的伤害才会倒,所以击倒半径会比溅射半径小些。非火炮的HE弹也可以击倒树木。(LZ:亲测可行) - TD’s do not have better shell spread within the aim circle than other classes - TD的瞄准环范围内的炮弹散布不比其他车好 - the reason gun barrels are so hard to actually damage is that the devs don’t want everyone running around with damaged barrels - 炮管不容易坏是因为开发人员不希望玩家都扛着门坏的炮在玩 - it’s completely possible that the researchable hulls will bring the Panzer IV, StuG and Panzer III with Schuerzen (additional side armor) - 可研究车体完全有可能可以给4号坦克,三号突击车,三号坦克提供Schuerzen裙甲 - there was no accuracy nerf in last 2 patches - 接下来的两个版本到底会有哪些nerf的准确信息还未知 - Q: “In this battle, I recieved only a little more experience than the guy who did 0 damage, that’s unfair” A: “That means you played only a bit better than the AFKer. Upgrade your skill.” - Q:"在这场战斗中,我只比0伤害的家伙多了一点点经验,这不公平!"A:"这说明你就比那些挂机的好那么一点点。请提高你的水平。" - SerB doesn’t consider it a problem that with the gun accuracy buff, several heavily armored vehicles (T95, Tortoise) get critted more often - SerB不觉得精度buff后,一些重甲车辆(T95,陆龟)更容易被击穿有啥问题。(LZ:大家好,我就是专业TD黑,Don't play T95) - the hit ration of inaccurate derp guns rose with the gun accuracy buff “proportionally with the rest of the guns” - 那些精度特别差的烧火棍在精度buff后获得的收益”与其他的相比差不多” - SerB says he doesn’t like any player ratings, he judges player skill by winrate: “Because the damage done, scouting, hitrate etc. are all only means to the end, that is the victory” - SerB表示他不喜欢任何玩家评分机制,他认为评判玩家水平的唯一标准就是胜率:"因为伤害、侦查、命中率等等,只为一个目的 - 胜利"(LZ:我跟SerB意外的合得来呢。。)