926你问我答 履带当装甲 坦克战机不同台
2013-09-26 09:18来源:网络发布者:yi︶曲゛新手卡|游戏下载
- there is no accuracy penalty when shooting enemies, that were scouted (lit up) by someone else and not you 当你射击目标时(这个目标是否是你点亮的)这个条件对你的射击精度没有影响 - Storm on 8.8 MM balancing issues: “It has confirmed that the waiting times are longer and that the matchmaker tends to compose the teams with different MM weights within the 10 pecent difference limit, despite being able to make the team MM weight difference smaller.” Storm对8.8里MM的平衡机制出现问题的说法:“现在已经确认了等待时间过长,而且MM现在会倾向于把不同的队重组以达到两队的权重在10%的差距之内,尽管我们的本意是要让两队的MM权重差值越低越好的” - three new city maps are planned (“Will tell when the time is right” – SS: possibly Minsk, Kharkov and Moscow/Stalingrad) 新的市区地图在计划中(“到时候再告诉你们”—SS:有可能是明斯克,哈尔科夫,莫斯科/斯大林格勒) - high tier battle dynamic and battle duration has not changed in last 6 months, devs are okay with this situation 高级车战斗的动态数据和战斗时间在过去的6个月里都没啥变化,开发人员表示这种情况没问题 - T110E3 and T110E4 historical data can be found in Hunnicutt: Firepower T110E3和T110E4的历史数据可以在Hunnicutt找到,是关于火力的 - British premium tier 8 vehicle? “If we add it, we’ll tell you” 英国金币8级车?“我们弄这车的时候会告诉你的” - it’s likely that the tier 9 Object 430 prototype turret traverse will be the same as Object 416 has now 9级的430工程原型车的炮塔转速看起来会和416工程一样了 - bot player bans are not being published (SS: that does not mean they are not getting banned. Without any details or names, I had two player writing me for being banned for botting) 封挂机玩家是不会公布的(SS:并不是意味着挂机不会被Ban,而是他们会被Ban掉,但是具体名单和ID号不会公布,曾经有两个玩家给我写邮件说他们因为挂机被Ban了) - FV215b rebalance? “Wait for test patchnotes” FV215b的重新平衡?“等测试服补丁信息吧” - Chinese Type 79 (Type 69 with L7 gun) won’t appear in the game, it’s too new 中国的79式(69式装了L7炮)不会出现在游戏内,它对于游戏来说太新了 - historical battles will not come this year 历史战今年没戏了 - Russian “proposal” forum section has pre-moderation (SS: proposals have to be allowed by a moderator), because (SerB) “Most of the proposals were either proposed before, or they are… eeeee…. not very smart” 毛服的“提议”板块是有个筛选的过程的(SS:必须要版主允许你,你才能提出意见)。因为(SerB)表示“大多数的提议以前就提到了,或者……呃…………都是很蠢的点子” - there have been no major changes in battle dynamic since the arty nerf according to SerB SerB表示在火炮砍掉之后,战斗的动态数据没有主要的变化 - WoWp light attack planes nation characteristics according to SerB: SerB是这么描述战机世界的每个国家的轻型战斗机的特色的: Germans – “one pass haul ass” 德国——“拖着走”(好像不对吧……) British – universal 英国——通吃系列 American – many bombs and rockets 美国——好多炸弹,火箭弹啥的 [编辑:nak]