927你问我答 未来版本将加入超级谢尔曼
2013-09-27 11:07来源:网络发布者:hillin新手卡|游戏下载
- BIA having no effect on camo? “BIA increases the overall skill level of the crew. Furthermore the aim time and others are increased according to general rules.” – and, when confronted by some experiment a player made: “Your experiments are very important to us” - 兄弟连技能不会提供隐蔽加成? - 兄弟连提升乘员的整体技能水平,例如瞄准时间,以及其他符合一般条件加成。 随后,有玩家称做了一些与此相关的实验,官方对此的回答是:“你的实验结果对我们非常重要。” - SerB confirms that both BIA and ventilation do influence camouflage skill 最后SerB确认兄弟连和通风会影响隐蔽技能。 - some guy asks whether the rear-turret tank destroyer with turret based on Maus chassis will be the tier 10 German TD. SerB: “If there is info, there will be such a variant. We have info only about the E-100〃 (SS: what a load of garbage, there was no such project) 有人问,以后会不会有基于鼠式底盘的后置炮塔TD作为德国10级TD? SerB:如果有相关资料的话,我们肯定会做进游戏里。我们只有关于E-100的类似资料。(SS:就是瞎扯淡,根本没有这种东西 #指后置炮塔的鼠式TD) - according to SerB, there is a possibility of a tier 10 German TD based on Maus (similiar to Jpz E-100), but WG decided not to implement it, as it doesn’t fit anywhere and it would be basically a copy of Jpz E-100 (SS: yes, that’s correct) SerB说,可能存在基于鼠式底盘的10级TD(类似于E-100坦克歼击车),但是WG不打算引入游戏,因为在科技树上不好安排,而且这车基本上就是百突的翻版(SS:没错)。 - the suspension graphics will be improved, but the tracks will still be modelled as a “belt”, they won’t consist of independently modelled track links, as that would be beyond the possibilities of any but the strongest player computers 悬挂的图像表现会有所改进,但是履带的模型仍然会做成“皮带”一样,而不是由单独的履带片段连接而成,因为如果这么做的话,所有玩家的电脑都会被击毁。 - SerB states that when considering the statistics for nerfing/buffing vehicles, the impact of skilled players of them is negligible, as good players form only one-digit percentage of the playerbase SerB表示,考虑需要削弱/增强的坦克的统计数据时,玩家的技术水平对这些数据的影响可以忽略不计,因为在所有玩家群体中,高玩所占的比例只有个位数。 - M-50 and M-51 Super Sherman will be introduced at some point M-50和M-51超级谢尔曼将会在未来某个时刻引入。 - E-25 overpowered? “We forgot to ask your opinion, sorry” E-25太强了! 啊,我们制作以前忘记征询您的意见了,实在抱歉。 - the fact that the same 100mm M-63 looks different for each turret on Object 416 is correct according to SerB, it was done so that while the gun did look different in real life, it wouldn’t have to be introduced as a different gun module (of the same gun) in game for unlocking 416工程更换炮塔前后,那门100mm M-63的外观有所差别。对此SerB表示,现实中就是这样的,不过这并不意味着游戏中必须把它做成两门炮。 - it’s unclear yet whether T10 Foch and T57H will be nerfed in 0.8.9 目前还不确定是否会在8.9版本里砍福三炮和T57。 - VK4502A is doing fine statistically VK4502A从统计数据上来看表现良好。 - SerB states that the opinion of various “famous” streamer personalities (such as Russian Jove or Murazor) has no influence on WG actions: “That would be like building politics of a country on the opinion of directors or artists” SerB表示,某些“著名”的视频解说(比如毛子国的Jove和Murazor)的意见对WG的决策不会产生影响,“不然一个国家就会由艺术家和导演们来制定政策了。”