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- neither IS-5, nor Shashmurin’s rear-turret IS will be implemented for now 暂时不会引入IS-5和Shashmurin的后置炮塔型IS。 - twin-linked engines do not have bigger chance of getting damaged, their big size is modelled by their hitbox 双联发动机的着火几率不会更大,但是它们的碰撞盒会更大 - internal armored components (SS: for example armored crew seats) are not modelled in the collision model 坦克内部的装甲组件(SS:例如带有装甲的乘员座椅)并没有做进碰撞模型(#不会起到防御作用) - AA vehicles won’t be introduced anytime soon – later, maybe, “if needed” 防空车型暂时不会引入游戏——“如果有必要的话”,以后可能会有 - it’s theoretically possible to implement the possibility to return to the battle once a player leaves the battle for the hangar, but it’s complicated and not needed according to SerB 理论上是可以实现在返回车库后再进入战斗的,但是SerB认为这个功能做起来太麻烦了,而且没什么必要。 - according to SerB, everything is okay with AMX-50/100 armor (SS: some player complains it’s not historical) SerB表示, AMX 50 100的装甲没问题(SS:有点玩家抱怨说不符合历史) - Storm states that even when hit by a large shell, the gun module can succeed in the “saving throw” and not get damaged, that’s where direct hits in the gun, that didn’t do anything come from Storm称,被大口径炮弹击中主炮时,会进行“豁免检定”(#RPG术语,投骰子决定你能否躲闪攻击之类的),如果成功的话,主炮不会受到损伤。也就是说,主炮被击中时,有几率什么都不会发生 - current visual camo concept is that “Player pays not for a camouflage, but for decorating his tank”, that’s why you can’t buy more camo variants at the same time 目前的涂装功能的卖点是外观而非隐蔽性,因此不能为一辆坦克同时购买多个不同样式的涂装。 - no plans to change artillery shell trajectory, there might however be some buffs to the arty shell velocity 不打算更改火炮的弹道,但是有可能会提高炮弹的飞行速度 - dead crewmember recieves only 90 percent of the crew XP, if he gets revived by a medkit, he gets full 100 percent 阵亡的乘员只会获得90%的乘员经验,如果救活了则会恢复100%。 - Storm regarding the fact WG has patented winrate-based MM (SS: this was popular months ago on forums, some might remember): “I don’t know about that. Lawyers did that. They probably wanted to secure it from all sides and for all cases.” 对于WG拥有的根据胜率来匹配分房的专利(SS:前一段时间在论坛上很火,有人应该还记得),Storm表示,“我不知道啊,一定是律师干的。他们大概是想,我们不用,你们也别想用。” - Storm states that the Noobmeter mod (or the XVM) won’t be banned, as it doesn’t interfere in anything, but there will be an option to disclose player statistics only to friends and clanmates (not public). When asked about the possibility that everyone with 1-49 percent winrate will simply hide their stats, making Noobmeter useless, Storm replies: “Everything is possible” Storm说XVM之类的战绩插件不会被封掉,因为它不会产生任何妨碍;不过将会有一个选项,决定是否只能让好友和军团成员看到你的统计数据(#这就相当于让战绩插件瘫痪了,因为取不到数据就算不出战绩)。又有人问,是否可以自动隐藏胜率低于49%的玩家的统计数据,以此让战绩插件失效,Storm说,“一切皆有可能。” - regarding the “too many TD’s” whine: “Dominance of TD’s – statistics don’t show their dominance. Yes, there are more of them, but not so many that they would break the game” 关于“TD泛滥啦”之类的抱怨:“统计数据并不支持TD泛滥这种说法。诚然,比其他种类的车要多一些,但是还不足以破坏整个游戏的可玩性。” - Storm confirms that Severogorsk map has some issues, it will be fixed. It won’t be removed temporarily, it will be just fixed. Devs are still considering how exactly. Storm确认别克戈尔斯克地图存在一些问题,并且会被修复,但是不会暂时从游戏中移除。开发者们还在考虑具体该怎么改。 [编辑:nak]