1003你问我答 法系二线重坦分支已就绪
- the perk Deadeye has nothing to do with gun accuracy apparently: “There is no corellation between where the shell will go within the aim circle and the probability of a crit this perk” 致命一击和炮的精度没有任何的关系:瞄准环内的炮弹散布范围和发生致命一击的概率没有任何的关联。 - HE shell mechanism rework is not planned 不计划重做HE弹机制 - the Jagdpanzer IV size in game is correct and historical 四歼的尺寸是正确的、符合历史的。 - the arty hardcap is still active 火炮数量限制仍旧存在 - there have been no experiments with fixed amounts of classes in battles (SS: as in 4 meds, 4 heavies etc.), because “it’s considered not necessery” 没有去实验战斗中固定的车型配置,比如4个中坦,4个重坦等等,因为不需要。 - the type of shell fired mostly from vehicles is taken into account when considering buffs and nerfs, SerB confirms that the fact some tanks are competitive only with gold shells is taken into account when considering buffs/nerfs 平衡车辆时,弹药的种类也会考虑的,而且有些坦克只会去考虑金币弹。 - it was considered to nerf the Foch 155 and T1 Heavy gold shells, but this option was declined for “various reasons” 曾经考虑过要削弱福三炮和T1重型的金币弹,但因为种种原因否决了。 - no global buff for vehicles relying on accuracy is planned 不会全面加强那些靠精度混饭吃的车辆。 - Storm doesn’t think that the gun accuracy buff led to some vehicles being seriously OP Storm 不认为精度的提升导致一些车过于强大。 - accurate guns themselves won’t be recieving a buff (to differentiate them from less accurate guns) 精度好的炮不会得到增强,用来区分那些精度低的炮。 - the red line map edge barrier won’t be removed, Storm doesn’t like this solution (when arties are for example standing with the back to this arbitrary line and light tanks can’t circle around them), but they don’t consider any other solution viable. The El-Halluf type borders (where the map is bordered by sea/rocks) was not possible everywhere, as it wouldn’t look natural – a player suggested “quicksand” or terrain with 0 passability, SerB states it would look artificial 地图边缘的红线不会删除,因为Storm不喜欢这样的主意,可是也没其它好的解决办法。 - removing the arty hardcap would not improve the battle waiting times according to Storm 去掉火炮数量限制不会提高加入战斗等待时间。 - the separation of random and company/CW statistics has “normal” priority: “it’s done when it’s done” 随机模式和联队/领土战模式的数据分开显示处在”普通优先级“位置?做好了,就会有的 - spotting damage in player statistics will be implemented 玩家统计数据中将会有点亮伤害