1004你问我答 HEAT遭砍金币车或被大砍
2013-10-04 16:06来源:网络发布者:佚名新手卡|游戏下载
- the situation when a teammate runs into your shot (that is already flying) will still count as teamdamage, won’t be changed 嘛。还是老问题了。你瞄的好好地,队友突然窜到你身前挡你的炮蛋,那么这还是算TK的。 - SerB states that the assumption premium tanks should have lower average winrate than regular tanks of the same class is correct 根据神大人的设定,金币车应该比银币车胜率低一点,这也解释了为什么IS6 WZ111等车都是175传深。金币车应该比银币车白板强,完全体弱。 - SerB considers too high winrate for premium tanks a problem: “We don’t sell pwnage for money” 神认为金币车胜率过高是个问题。(难道要砍的节奏?) wz111全程无脑JBD笑而不语。 - HE shells actually work better against destructable objects, buildings/objects have their own hitpoints and HE shells damage them more than AP shells 嘛其实如果拆房子的话,用HE比AP好。因为HE对房子的攻击力比AP高。 - in the 7/42 battles, both the manually and automatically collected teams will play with each other7/42 分比赛中,随机来的队伍和组队的队伍都是在一起玩的。不会单独进行比赛。 - 7/42 battles: as written earlier, the skill will be measured by special skill rating. This rating will based only on 7/42 battles, everyone will start with 0 rating (“first few weeks will be funny”) 如前面所说,7/42分比赛中,有对玩家的天梯系统。大家都是从零开始。 - the maximum speed of vehicles in game is usually the nominal vehicle speed (SS: from documentation) 嘛,所有坦克的急速都引用相关文件。(很多文件是神自己编的我会乱说?) - if tracks and spaced armor are hit by ramming, they reduce the damage the vehicle takes by ramming 如果你撞到了间隙装甲和履带,那么这两个组件会替你吸收冲撞伤害。 - it’s possible that weather effects will be implemented at some point, same goes for realistic shooting effects from bushes (“flashes”), day/night battles and ammorack explosion shockwaves 我们有很多狂拽酷霸叼炸天的特效要做,你们等着吧。如天气系统,白天黑夜等等。没记错的话这个卫星飞了有一年半了。目测明年都落不下来。 - apparently the terrain destruction and effects like in SpinTires demo won’t be implemented