1003你问我答 法系二线重坦分支已就绪
2013-10-03 12:50来源:网络发布者:你的样吇如往昔新手卡|游戏下载
- next CW update will apparently bring gold transactions log for clans - 下次的领土战更新将会带来工会的金币交易日志 - according to Tanitha (SEA server), there will be a transfer possibility to SEA in the future - 根据Tanitha所说,以后或许可以转移到海服 - the Chinese Type 34 with 57mm gun is not the Soviet T-34/57 exported to China, the Chinese mounted the gun themselves - 天朝34式上的57炮并不是苏联出口的T-34/57上的。而是天朝自己加装的 - maps bigger than 1000x1000m are not made, because “a) it needs client optimization so that the majority of players could play them b) it needs somewhat different gameplay” - 大于1000*1000m的地图不会去做,因为一是需要客户端的优化能够让更多人去玩,二是也需要一些不同的玩法。 - Standard (old) graphic will not be removed in 0.9.0 (SS: some guy feared they would be removed, Storm stated he doesn’t know of any such plans) - 在9.0,图像标准设置不会删除(SS:一些家伙担心它们会被删除掉,Storm说他根本就不知道这事) - Storm confirms that the “arty HE shell kills no more than half or 3/5 of your crew” rule applies only when the shell doesn’t penetrate - Storm确认"火炮HE弹至多只能杀死1/2或3/5的成员"规则只在未击穿情况下有效。 - Jagdmaus is not planned for now - 猎鼠暂时不再计划中…… - according to SerB, the best cooperation between WG and an archive/museum was with Saumur in France, Bovington is not bad either, but SerB states that since the WG EU office is in Paris, it was easier for geographic reasons 根据SerB所说,WG和法国的索米尔博物馆之间的合作是最好的, 巴温顿也不差,不过SerB说因为WG 欧服办公部门在巴黎,容易办事也有地缘因素在里面。 - SerB also stated that when looking for info on planes, the archives and museums were much more forthcoming because of the previous WoT communication, he also states that the bigger problem with collecting info is not money, but the fact some are classified SerB还说,在找寻一些有关飞机方面的资料时,由于之前已经有过坦克方面的交流合作,档案馆和博物馆更加热情。他也指出搜集资料信息最大的问题并不是钱,而是一些资料是保密的 - SerB states that the windows in walls on teh Abbey map are not bugged, a guy was complaining that he shot thru the window but it registered like a hit on the wall, SerB replied that he most likely missed 在小镇地图,一个家伙抱怨在墙上的窗口射击,但是显示打在了墙上,SerB说这不是bug,你可能是打飞了 - SerB doesn’t consider 800×800 maps too small for tier 10 battles SerB不认为800×800的地图尺寸对于10房的战斗空间太小。 - the option to disable maps you don’t want to play won’t be implemented for now 暂时不会实施禁用你不想玩地图 的功能。 - currently the camo system works fine according to SerB: “within its limits” SerB说现在的伪装系统工作良好,“一切尽在掌握中” - if you hit the tip (end) of the gun barrel, the gun won’t get damaged 假如你击中了炮管的顶部或者底部,炮不会受到伤害。