
1003你问我答 法系二线重坦分支已就绪

2013-10-03 12:50来源:网络发布者:你的样吇如往昔新手卡|游戏下载

- SerB states that the lowlevel light tank branches without high tier vehicles are not interesting for players, “we checked”


- SerB states that when the optional hull modules are implemented, they will be tied to the suspension modules (as in, you unlock another suspension = you unlock hull), elite vehicles will remain elite even if new modules are implemented


- T-34-2 has more shells of the same type than Type 59 despite being smaller, because “the internal space left was smaller” (SS: as in, the tank was more cramped)

尽管 T-34-2比59式小,但同类型弹药却比59装的多,为什么呢,因为后者的内部空间余地小的多。

- according to SerB and Veider, French tree second heavy branch is ready, but won’t be added now, because “there are other trees to have tanks added to them”


- historical Lorraine 40t with 100mm or 120mm guns planned? “We know nothing about that”


- there will be no hardcore mode: not so long ago, the developers tested it again and it’s unplayable


- completely flat map is not planned


- apparently, the sticking of the aim reticle to terrain feature won’t be fixed, as it is basically a feature of the engine (SS: at least that’s how I understand it)


- Maus is doing fine statistically


- not all tanks with increased credit gain coefficient are premium vehicles


- roaming will come “when it’s done”, it’s possible (“will be considered”) that in connection with roaming there will be an option to permanently migrate for example to EU server


- while its too early to tell anything about the roaming mechanism yet, it’s possible “crowds of noobs” will be prevented from using it by a winrate limit and by limiting the roaming to players, who haven’t been punished for spamming and profanity in chat (only recent punishments will be considered apparently)


- when a premium tank gold price gets lowered, there will be no compensations to those who bought it for the old price


- Q: “Will the Chieftain be implemented as tier 10 medium tank instead of FV4202?” A: “No, because in game terms, Chieftain is a heavy”


- it’s possible that when tank tipping over is implemented, the ramming mechanism will be changed too


- WG chose the E-100 chassis for tier 10 German TD WT E-100 and not the Waffenträger one, because “the light chassis cannot carry a gun heavy enough” (SS: bullshit, there were 128mm/150mm WT’s planned)

WG为德系10级TD WT E100选择E100的底盘而不是Waffenträger ,原因是“轻底盘无法承受过重的主炮”

- WT E-100 gun will have the same penetration as the E-100 one? “Tests will show” (SS: well, “some say” that currently the guns are identical on supertest)

WT E-100炮的穿深将会是和E100一个样子?测试服见分晓。*(SS,好吧,有一些说法“现在的炮和测试服的一样”)

- if you want to report someone for insulting nickname, use the ingame report for “profanity/insult” (SS: not sure how it is in english client, haven’t reported anyone in ages)


上一篇:WCG中国区锦标赛总决赛各项目奖金曝光 下一篇:1004你问我答 HEAT遭砍金币车或被大砍


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

