2014-03-27 14:31来源:网络发布者:yoyochaodan新手卡|游戏下载
Storm made another 9.0-themed post, this time, he’s askingabout the feedback of the three HD models, released in the first round of thetest. What did you like? What didn’t you like? Storm 最近发布了一个9.0的帖子,他想要关于第一轮测试服发布的HD模型的反馈。 Also, he posted three new screenshots of models, that havebeen reworked (they from today (26.3.2014) and are different from the ones,that are on the test). 同时他也发布了最新的重做以后的三张模型截图(26号刚刚作出来的,和现在测试服里的不一样。 Which one do you like the most? Vote on FTR poll (right side of theblog) 你最喜欢哪个呢?快在下面回复钯 - T-54 on this screenshot was not much changed from the test one -T-54的模型变化没太大的变化 - the size (height) of T-54 turret is apparently correct: Stormstates that there were many variants of T-54 turrets and this is just one ofthem, Wargaming specifically checked the ordiginal documents (factory assemblydrawings) and the turret is correct -T-54炮塔的大小(高度)目前是正确的,Storm表示T-54的炮塔种类太多了,这只是其中一个,WG还专门用原始的组装时候的图纸比对,并表示炮塔正确 - it’s possible there will be more turrets for T-54 afteralternative hulls are added -在可选车体机制加入游戏后,T-54可能会有多种脑袋可选 - regarding camo paint applied on wheels, Storm states that itlooks weird whe wheels are rotating -Storm表示因为坦克的轮子上也有涂装,所以当轮子滚起来的时候看上去怪怪的 - Storm confirms 7 more HD models in 9.0 -Storm确认会有另外7个HD模型会出现在9.0(也就是说目前为止会有10个HD模型加入9.0) - it’s possible that weak computers will have the option not todownload HD textures, from 9.1 onwards most likely -9.1之前可能会允许小霸王玩家选择不去下载HD纹 - Storm states that 9.0 hangar lighting is specific, becausethere are 3 light sources in it (SS: not just 1 as in battle), some models justlook odd in the light -Storm表示9.0车库的灯光做的很详细,有三个光源(而不是就像战斗中只有一处光源),因此,有些模型看起来很别扭 - in 9.0, old hangar mods will most likely not work, because thelighting system has been reworked -在9.0中,旧的车库插件大概率不顶用,因为车库的光源系统被重做了 - apparently, WG hasn’t developed any means to make the players“feel the size” of the tanks yet -目前WG还没有开发任何方法来让玩家感受到坦克的大小 - the Tiger was made much lighter, this change will appear inthe next version of test -下一轮测试中,老虎会变得看起来更亮一些 - for now, there will be no “turret ripped off by ammo rackexplosion” effect for turretless tanks (like ripping the compartment open), butit might come later -目前木有炮塔的坦克不会有炮塔因弹药架爆炸而被掀飞的效果,但是以后可能会有 - dirt on the tracks will be implemented, based on the type ofmap (surface) -根据地图地面不同而在履带上产生不同的污垢的效果会引入 - there are no plans to add wear and tear to tanks, used in manybattles by the players (SS: as in a tank with 3k battles looking more worn outthan one with 30) -目前没有计划加入根据玩家车辆场数而在车上有不同的磨损的效果(SS:比如一辆玩了3千场的坦克比只玩了30场的坦克老旧) - there are no plans to implement the possibility for players tocreate their own camouflage -没有计划让玩家自行做涂装的计划(这里的涂装是指游戏内能起到隐蔽加成的涂装) - British HD models in 9.0 will be Centurion 7/1 and Tortoise,Conqueror will come later -女王系的百夫长7/1,土龟的HD模型将会在9.0出现,征服者将会在稍晚出现