坦克世界测试服:德系新金币车StuG IV被加强
remember the StuG IV, that was leaked a while ago? German tier 5 premium tank destroyer, yes? 还记得之前透露出来的StuG IV德国五级金币TD吗? Well, it got buffed on supertest as well. First of all, its gun got buffed or changed altogether, not certain from the screenies. It got changed as such: 嘛...他在超测服被加强了,首先,他的炮得到了加强,几乎完全改变了。从截图可以看出他变成了这样: - apparently, now limited MM is considered 显然的,现在被限制的分房是经过深思熟虑的 - gun penetration buffed from 106 to 110 炮的穿深由106增强到110 - DPM buffed from 1720,7 to 1860,2 DPM由1720.7变为1860.2 - reload time buffed from 3,836 to 3,548 装填时间由3.836变为3.548 - ROF buffed from 15,643 to 16,911 射速由15.643变为16.911 - Accuracy buffed from 0,345 to 0,336 精度由0.345变为0.336 - accuracy on the move when moving with maximum speed buffed by 29 percent 移动设计精度增强29% - the gun now traverses faster (earlier: 41,7, now 45,9) 主炮转速(原来:41.7现在45.9) - hull traverse buffed from 40 to 44 deg/s 车体转速由40变为44度/秒 - terrain resistance buffed from 0,863/1,055/1,822 to 0,767/0,959/1,822 履带适应性由0.863/1.055/1.822变为0.767/0.959/1.8 The statistics thus look as such: 他的数据因此变为了这个样子 Tier: 5 Premium (limited MM to 5 and 6) 级别:5级金币坦克(分房被限制为只进5,6级房) Hitpoints: 360 血量:360 Weight: 25,9 tons 质量:25.9吨 Engine power: 300 hp 发动机功率:300马力 Power-to-weight: 11,58 hp/t 推重比:11.58马力/吨 Maximum speed: 38/10 km/h 急速:38km/h Terrain resistance: 0,767/0,959/1,822 履带适应性:0.767/0.959/1.822 Hull traverse: 44 deg/s 车体转速:44度/秒 Viewrange: 310 视野:310 Radiorange: 646,6 通信范围:646.6 Armor: 80/30/? (yes, the side plates are modelled and are functional) 装甲:80/30/?(是的,这个车钢板裙甲也进行了建模) Gun: 75mm 炮:75mm Penetration: 110 穿深:110 Damage: 110 伤害:110 DPM: 1860,2 DPM:1860.2 Reload time: 3,548 s 装填时间:3.548s ROF: 16,911 初速:16.911 Accuracy: 0,336 精度:0.336 Aimtime: 1,53s 瞄准时间:1.53s Depression: -6 俯角:-6 Gun traverse angle: 20 degrees 射界:20度 [编辑:不详]