

2014-09-26 23:33来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载

  as youmight or might not remember, Yuri Pasholok (Wargaming’s chief historian) isworking on a long term project, renovating some tanks at the Central Museum ofArmored Forces in Moscow. This includes scraping off the rust, sandblasting,re-painting them and such stuff. He’s not however doing it alone, the “crew” consistsalso of volunteers and one of them, Ivan Karetnikov, helped out with the work,asking some things in the process.


  - FV4202switch will most likely not come this year. The reason for that is that thedevelopers have to physically go to the Bovington Museum to 3D scan the ActionX turret. If the turret doesn’t get scanned, the model will simply not be made.


  - VK4502Ausf.B could become a tier 7-8 premium vehicle with mediocre mobility and itshistorical gun and armor (SS: 88mm L/71, 80 or 100mm of armor IIRC). This wouldhappen after the tank gets switched for Maus prototype

  V.K.45.02P(B)(小老鼠)可能会还原装甲和主炮,变为一部机动一般的7-8级金币车(主炮88mm L/71,装甲80或100mm),当然这只会在9级车被鼠式原型替换之后才会发生。

  - Swedishtanks will be in the EU tree


  - tier 1of EU tree will be Fiat 3000B with 47mm armor and tier 2-3 gun, but poormobility (SS: this is some weird shit, this tank has absolutely nothing to dowith other branches of the tree)


  - ItalianEU branch (SS: note that there will not be a separate Italian tree apparently)hightier tanks will be M47 Patton and Leopard 1 clones


  Stanislaw Lem’s “Czolg Pancernik” could (seriously) become a tier 10 Polishtank. It’s apparently mediocre, but Slava Makarov (one of the main producersand such) did not say “no” to the idea of this tank in the game.

  StanislawLem的Czolg Pancernik坦克可能真的会成为波兰10级坦克。它明显性能中庸,但是SlavaMakarov(主要的制作商之一)并没有否定这车出现在游戏中的可能性。

上一篇:坦克世界9月23日你问我答 9.3版自杀惩罚将重制 下一篇:坦克世界9.3超测服:高清坦克模型图集


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

