
坦克世界10月12日你问我答 正考虑开设南美服务器

  - developers areconsidering a separate server for South America


  - Q: “Why, when I am movingand I see a target and I stop and switch to sniper mode, the aim circle doesn’tget smaller for a second or two?” A (SerB): “If you were able to read (andunderstand what you are reading), you would find the answer to this (many timesasked) question (it was answered numerous times).” (SS: it’s because the circleis bigger than the sniper mode view and doesn’t fit the screen)

  -毛子毛子,我跑着的时候看见了目标,然后停下来开瞄准镜,但是圈要等一两秒才开始缩小? SerB:你要是会读并且明白你读的是什么,你就知道你问的问题的答案了(说白了就是被问了太多遍,基本呵呵了)(SS:其实原因是真实的瞄准圈比在瞄准模式下的圈大,屏幕不会显示那么大的圈)

  - arty and HE rebalancecoming? Storm: “Most likely not.”

  -毛子毛子,什么时候再平衡一下火炮和HE?-Storm 基本不可能

  - Q: “Arty should bebuffed, it sucks” A: “On the other hand, statistically arty is doing fine andto buff it would be a mistake. Unless you mean rebalance it completely (buffsomething, nerf something else). But for now, we have more pressing issues todeal with.”


  - Storm states thatreworking (smoothing) the maps is worth doing even though new motion physicswill make the vehicles ignore really small terrain features and not lose speedon small objects


  - the general accuracy nerfwill involve reducing the chance of hitting the dead center of your aim circle,shots are hitting there too much


  - Storm states that in WoTgarage, you will not be able to see internal module setup: “We didn’tremovedthe modules from the client only to show them later to everyone. So onlyarmor.”


  - the problem with T-44-85was that for one, it was tier 7 premium and secondly, even for such a tier thepenetration was not very good. According to Storm, statistics have shown thatnoone wants low penetration premiums in general. Therefore, there’s no reasonto implement it.


  - Russians are moaningabout EU TOG mission. Evilly counters: “And in China, they are selling Type 59:)”

  -毛服在抱怨他们没有欧服的 TOG任务。Evilly表示“国服还可以买59!不服你也买一个去!”

  - individual missions willbe further developed


  - A-32 buff? “If we findout it’s unplayable.”


  - HD model of M4A3E8 willnot come in 9.4, despite the fact that Fury is in HD already, as the model isdifferent from the Fury one


  - Storm states that thewhine about noone using the Maus is exaggerated, a “completely acceptable”amount of people are using it


  - a new map for lowtiertanks will come, but not in 9.4

  - 一个专门为低级车出的地图将会到来,但不是在9.4

  - Type 62 crew will befixed in 9.4


  - HD IS-3 will come “atsome point”, not in 9.4


  - it’s possible otherelements of UI will be reworked as well in the future


  - first HD premium tankswill be tested in 9.4 (SS: the Panther 88, Scorpion and others)


  - the HD vehicle imagesthat were published some time ago belong to “testing vehicles”, which do notmeet the current HD standards. They will be reworked.

  - 之前的放出来的一些高清模型的图因为不和标准被重做了

  - the current issues withT-54 (SS: not sure what Storm is referring to) will be fixed in first half of2015


  - gold ammo statistics willbe investigated


  - developers haveconsidered for a long time, whether to give the Soviet tanks their historicalgun depression (SS: in some cases, it was worse than it is in the game, WoT hasit buffed), but decided not to do it, as the depression for the Soviets is notgood in general, but not as bad as in real life.


  - 9.4 will bring mostlyfixes


  - WG is trying to save as much traffic as possible,for example by having icons on minimap “jump” and not move fluently. This isimportant for “data center”, according to Storm, because its “outboundchannels” might not otherwise handle the traffic. For the same reason tanks,that are very far, are moving by “jumping” as well


  - there is a heated debateraging during the implementation of new parks, developers are working on it


  - “drawing on minimap” isnot planned for now


  - Q: “Remove sixth sense,it was better without it.” A: “Sixth sense is already more than three years oldand it’s fine.”

  -毛子毛子,把第六感移除了会让游戏更好 – 灯泡已经在游戏里三年多了,而且很好

  - Storm confirms that thestrange T55Aarmor preview was caused by bad viewer.


  - Havok will come in patch 9.6

  - Havok会在9.6引入

  - patch 9.6 is scheduled for January at this moment

  - 9.6估计在明年的1月会与大家见面

上一篇:坦克世界策略师QA:苏日系金币中坦卫星 下一篇:超测服德系9级金币中坦T-55A最新装甲布局


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

