坦克世界10月11日你问我答 260工程不会成为奖励坦克
2014-10-14 23:34来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
- Veider on some of the comments regarding supertest vehicle stats: “stats of unfinished leaked tanks can be very different from their release version. It’s pointless to discuss those stats. Discuss only the look of the vehicle. Although it too can change in the final version.” Veider提到那些对于超测服坦克数据的评论:超测服上坦克的数据可能和正式服中的差异很大,急着讨论这些数据毫无意义,说说外观就行了,虽说外观到了正式服的时候也可能会有改变。 - apparently, the Object 260 will not be a CW/SH reward tank 260工程似乎并不会成为领土战/要塞模式奖励坦克。 - Storm states that the “1mm” armor of the Scorpion is historical, it was just a metal sheet on the frame to protect the crew from the elements, like a car Storm说蝎式的1mm装甲是符合历史的,历史上这车的装甲就是在车体框架上贴一片钢板,防止车组受到轻武器的伤害,就像汽车那样。 - Storm states that this picture, showing the Object 260, is incorrect. Developers used this drawing as reference instead. Storm说图1中的260工程是不正确的,他们用的是图2中的设计。 图1 图2 - Q: “If Object 260 will be available for random players, I’ll sell my kidney to get it and then I’ll wank over it” A: “You don’t have to sell your kindey to wank :)” Q:如果打野玩家可以获得260工程,我就算把肾卖了也要买这玩意! A:你要真卖了该怎么办。 - details about how to get Object 260 will come later but it will NOT be a CW vehicle 到底要怎样才能获得260工程过一会再告诉你,但是可以明确的是这不是领土战奖励坦克。 - German T55A? Storm: “It’s more like trolling of germanlovers than oppressing the sovietlovers.” 东德的T-55A?Storm:与其说是打压苏粉,不如说是在逗乐德棍。 - Evilly on FV4202 switch: “If there is a mission to get the FV4202, it will be activated by the presence of FV4202 in the hangar” Evily评论FV4202的替换:如果真有一个让你获得金币4202的活动,那前提你必须在车库里有4202先。 - new sounds will come very soon 新的音效很快就有。 today, a new 70 Mb micropatch was applied to EU server (and other servers as well). While the official content of this micropatch was not published anywhere, it is confirmed that this patch contains the Fury-related things (the Fury model itself and the garage). This is likely the only content of the micropatch. 今天欧服上出现了一个70mb的小补丁(其它服务器亦然)。尽管官方没有说明这个补丁的内容是什么,但是可以确定的是其中可能就只有是一些与“狂怒”相关的东西(“狂怒”坦克及其车库)。 [编辑:不详]