坦克世界10月10日你问我答 7/42模式或被7/54取代
2014-10-10 23:50来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
- the “WoT Formula” tournament (theracing one) has 350 thousand people participating (SS: on RU server). It’s aMMORPG tournament record and it will appear in the Guiness book of records "WOT方程式"锦标赛(就是霞飞竞速赛)有超过350,000名玩家参与(SS:在俄服上),这是MMORPG游戏锦标赛的一个记录,将会被收录在吉尼斯中。 - in 9.4, team battles will be changed.Attack/Defense mode will appear in them. 9.4版本会对7v7模式进行改动,其中会出现进攻/防守模式(攻防战?)。 - there will be 10 TB maps for theAttack/Defense mode 进攻/防守模式将会在10张地图上出现。 - 9.4 will come in October 9.4版本10月就会有。 - 7/42 TB mode will be replaced by 7/54.In connection with this, two setups will appear: 5 tier 8 tanks and 2 tier 7′s,or 6 tier 8′s and one tier 6. In cybersports, the first setup is more popular. 7/42模式会被7/54模式所取代,相对应的会出现2种队伍配置方式:5个8级+2个7级,或者6个8级+1个6级。在电竞赛事中,第一种配置更受欢迎些。 - in 9.4, Stronghold players will beable to attack other clans’ strongholds 在9.4版本中,要塞模式玩家可以攻击另一个军团的要塞。 - when Havok comes, it will apparentlybe possible to drive into a destroyed building rubble and “hide” in it, therubble will reduce the penetration of incoming shells (SS: that’s a prettystupid idea, I would take this answer with a grain of salt) 当Havok引入的时候,坦克可以挤进被摧毁的建筑废墟中藏身,残骸可以在炮弹穿过的时候降低它们的穿深(SS:我觉得这是一个无比2B的主意,对于这消息大家还是持保留态度比较好)。 - developers are collecting andanalyzing shell accuracy and damage statistics (SS: related to accuracy nerfapparently) 开发者们正在收集和分析炮弹的精度和伤害的数据(SS:明显是在为将来削弱精度做准备)。 - LTTB is in some ways similiar to theold T-50-2, gameplay is different however LTTB在一些方面和老T-50-2有相似之处,但玩法却是不同的。 - no new info on FV4202 fate 关于FV4202的命运没有更多的消息了。 - future plans for Stronghold mode:special shop, consumables. A part of the consumables will be also usable inrandom battles (no ETA for now) 将来打算怎么改进要塞模式?特殊商店,消耗品。一部分消耗品可能也可以在野队中使用。 - British LT, Japanese TD branch? Nocomment. 英国LT,日本TD线?无可奉告。 - the reactions on new large amount ofobtained medals is mixed, some get many, some can’t get even the simpliest ones 关于新添加的那一批奖章玩家的反响不一。有的拿到很多,有的连最好拿的都没有几个。 - your low winrate vehicles do not havehigher chance of appearing on the top of the team (SS: reacting on such aconspiracy) 玩家胜率较低的车当班长的几率不会增加(SS:去他娘的阴谋论)。 - hiding your statistics is not planned 隐藏战绩?没这计划。 - gold ammo for credits: “statistics arebeing collected and analyzed. Apparently there are some plans to nerf theirdamage and/or a hardcap (SS: this is most likely wrong, Storm specifically saidthis variant was scrapped) 银币买金币弹:正在收集并分析相关数据。显然有计划削弱金币弹的伤害,或者给携带数量设定上限(SS:这一点很可能是错的,SS之前说过这点子被放弃了的)。 - developers are “reviewing the role ofarmor in battle and the penetration inflation” 开发者们正在审查“装甲在战斗中的作用”以及“穿深上浮”这两个问题。 - Super Pershing is fine statistically,won’t be buffed 从数据上看超潘表现很好,不会加强的。 - there will be new perks and the oldones will be rebalanced, Sixth Sense will be tied to the radioman and everyone,who has it on their commander as a perk will get a free skill reset 会有新技能的,而旧的则会得到重制。第六感会成为通讯兵专属技能,车长点了灯泡的所有玩家,这个技能会免费的转置到通讯兵上。 - insults in WoT? “Use the profanityfilter” 在WOT里被问候全家?用语言过滤器啊。 - statistics of camouflage and spottingare being collected, there will be changes to LT’s and TD’s in this respect(“when it’s done it’s done”) 正在收集关于隐蔽和点亮的数据,LT和TD会有相应的改动(做好就有)。 - no more strict arty hardcap will beimplemented 不会对火炮数量做进一步的限制。 - there are plans to make the game morenewbie-friendly (accessible), at the same time the system of education(tutorial) will improve 有计划把游戏弄得更易上手一些,与此同时教程也会有所改进。 - T57 Heavy nerf was justified T57砍得刚刚好。 - roaming was basically shelved, asduring its development, it was discovered that it puts a lot of strain on maininternet lines. It would cause high latency for all the players and someplayers would really be hurt by that. 漫游多半是废了,因为在开发过程中,开发者们发现它会对网络线路造成很大的压力。会给所有玩家带来很高的延迟,有的玩家可能会因此灭退保了。 - NPC’s (bots) will appear in the game,they will have a functional AI, “when it’s done it’s done” NPC(脚本)会出现在游戏中的,会有一个有效的AI,做好就有。 - “many are fed up with Clanwars”, developersare working in improving the mode 鉴于许家已经打够了领土战了,开发者们正在改进这模式。 - soon, there will be a CW event wheretier 10 medium tanks are needed 很快会有一个需要10级MT出场的领土战赛事。 - regarding optimization, the developersare working in two directions: building the HD client and optimizing the SDone. The main problem with optimization is that the computers the players haveare extremely diverse, from “calculators” with Windows XP to cutting edgegaming PC’s 关于优化问题:开发者们正在朝2个方向努力:构建HD客户端,优化SD客户端。优化的主要问题是玩家所用的电脑千差万别,从小霸王到WindowsXP再到四路泰坦的土豪机都有。 - 9.3 or 9.4 brought/will bring theremoval of the last remnants of the original Bigworld code. From now on, theengine counts as Wargaming’s own engine (and not a Bigworld version). 9.3或者9.4版本就会完全移除游戏中所残留的Bigworld引擎代码。从那时起,WoT所用的引擎就将会是WG自己开发的了(不是什么Bigworld(S)什么Bigworld(C)或者是BigworldPlus什么的了)。 - you can get an automatic ban(apparently for unsportsmanlike behavior), if you “randomly” shoot otherteammate’s tracks a lot 如果你经常“不经意”的断队友履带,你也会被系统自动封禁(以“不光彩的游戏行为”之名)。 - new gift tanks are not planned for now 暂时还没计划添加新的礼品坦克。 - BL-10 shells being eaten by tracks toomuch? “They work normally. If you don’t like it and want realism, go play WarThunder or join the army.” BL-10的炮弹太容易断腿不掉血?它们和其它炮弹工作机理别无二致。如果你不喜欢,要真实,参军或者玩战雷去。 - WoT 2.0? “There will be no moderntanks” WoT 2.0?不会有现代坦克的。 - there will NEVER be transfers ofcredits between accounts, this includes credit transfers within a clan 账户间银币转移一万年也不会有,就算是战队成员间也不行。 - it’s possible there will be aWargaming version of “noobmeter”, but “the current one demotivates some peoplea lot.” Currently, developers are considering the XVM noobmeter to be more of aproblem than a good thing 可能会有WG官方的“效率”,但是他们又觉得现有的那一套(XVM、盒子等)已经够让人泄气的了。最近开发者们也觉得XVM实在是利大于弊。 - XVM-style minimap will be added to thegame XVM样式的小地图会出现在游戏中的。 - regarding premium tanks: IS-6 usedoesn’t depend much on skill, FCM does 关于金币坦克:IS-6不那么考技术,FCM50t则很需要水平。 - developers are planning new“historical maps”, based on real life places, they will not be totallyaccurate, they have to be balanced by map designers for gameplay purposes 开发者们计划添加新的“历史战地图”,以历史上的一些场景为基础,但不会100%还原历史地形,而需要负责地图平衡那帮人修改一下以确保双方的公平。 - old premium tanks’ (Matilda, Ram) rebalance? “If needed” 老金币坦克(马蒂尔达,公羊)的平衡?如果需要的话会的。 - the developers are aware of the bug,where MM puts you over and over again on the same map. It’s being fixed. 开发者们意识到了这个bug:分房系统会把你反复分进一张图,正在修复。 - in the game, the shell is modelled asa single point, everything else is graphics 在游戏中,炮弹被塑造成一个点,其它都只是视觉上的。 - apparently, economy of WoT is workingcorrectly WOT的收益系统工作正常。 - Dragon Ridge is apparently doing fine,but only on Chinese server. If it ever returns, it will be after an overhaul 香格里拉这图表现正常,但只在国服上。如果它要回归,那也是在大改之后。 - regarding the removal of the goldshells altogether – won’t happen: “Some of the tanks are unplayable withoutgold shells, for example T69 in tier 10 battles” 关于“完全移除金币弹”的提议:别做梦了,一些坦克不带金币弹就没法玩,不信开你的T69去10级房打AP去。 - loading gold shells has no effect onyour matchmaking 带金币弹与否(包括数量多少)和分进什么房没有关系。 - team battles for tier 6 and 10? “Whenit’s done it’s done” 6级和10级的7v7?做好就有。 - the bug where you can’t invite peoplein your friendlist for a platoon is known, it will be fixed 不能邀请好友名单中的玩家组队这个bug会被修复的。 - historical battles: “when it’s doneit’s done” 历史战:做好就有。 Also, 9.4 supertest starts tomorrow. 9.4 will mostlybe a technical patch, so don’t expect miracles. The patch itself should thus(if everything goes okay) come until the end of the month, allowing the huge9.5 to come until the end of the year. 9.4的测试服明天就会开了,这个版本将主要是技术性的,所以不要期待有什么NB的东西出现。一切顺利的话,这个版本可能会在10月末与玩家见面,这也就意味着9.5版本可以在年内出了。 - shells for one gun can be of different design basedon the year they were introduced in (SS: SerB, justifying why APCR shells forcertain guns are much more expensive than the regular shells, I think he justmisunderstood the question) 一门炮的炮弹可能因为出现年代不同而有着不同的设计(SS:这话是SerB说得,他是为了解释为什么有个别炮的APCR比AP弹要贵得许多的原因,我觉得他是自己没有搞清楚问题)。 - new perks will arrive at the same time the old perksare reworked 旧技能的重制将会和新技能的引入一起到来。 - the T28 Concept does not mean the Scorpion will notarrive T28概念型的出现并不意味着蝎式不会出现了。 - Havok will be used in the beginning only to renderthe destruction of buildings and objects. After that will come the realisticdestruction of tank equipment (boxes etc.), but not soon. Havok只会被用于渲染建筑及物体摧毁效果的初期阶段。之后会引入的是坦克部件摧毁效果(工具箱损毁等等),但是不急。 - realistic track behavior and new movement physics isnot related in any way to Havok 真实履带运动和新的运动效果和Havok一点关系没有。 - IS-3 in HD will not come in 9.4 9.4还不会把-3变为高清的。 - apparently, the QA answer about last elements ofBigworld being removed from World of Tanks soon was false according to Storm Storm称前面说的Bigworld引擎将很快从游戏中完全消失一事是假的。 - M6A2E1 will not be reworked to HD this year 今年还不会把M6A2E1变为高清的。 [编辑:不详]